The battery builders club

I am about to start spot-welding my p groups any tip? It is a very basic setup, with folded 30x .2m nickel over the side (like basically every battery flat pack made on this forum)

Sounds good. Post lots of pictures along the way and you will get some great feedback from experienced builders.

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Yeah, and dont feel bad for “spamming” this thread. If it helps you make a safer pack, go crazy! We’ll be here with feedback and advice


Great this is what I have so far

I originally was going to use 10 x.2 mm for a different layout but after speaking with a few people on this forum I decided to change layout and use 30 x .2mm . so I have for groups that are already nicked up (if that makes scene) My plan in just to put the new nickel on top. Am also planing on putting a little strip of fish paper on the shoulder of the battery where the nickel fold over on the positive side for extra protection.

If you weld the new nickel on top, you’re gonna have to turn up the power significantly, but it’s possible.

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thanks for the advise

Id rip that tiny nickel off and call it a pull test.

use only the 30mm, forget that small stuff. Stacked nickel rarely works well

I’ll try taking it off, I’ll let you know how it goes.

You want it to be so difficult to take off that it leaves bits of nickel behind.

use a dremel or sandpaper to make it smooth before welding again

the top nickel came off nicely but the bottom is makes me worried, it looks like the battery is being warped outward from pulling the nickel off

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ill send pictures in a few

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That’s fine, just sand it a little

the bottom of the cell is defiantly is a little convex now, I am worried that I am damaging the cells

I think for the positive side I will take of the only nickel and for the negative side I will just leave it and put extra weld on the part where there is no old nickel (like above and bellow the 10mm strips)

Try rolling the nickel to the side with some pliers when taking it off from the bottom. That way the bottom won’t warp^^

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the nickel is eating through my sand paper and leaving it bald.

Don’t push down so hard

Is this bad? I slightly dented/scratched the battery.

I’d keep going, looks fine to me

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