The battery builders club

Much appreciated, Good Sir.

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For a discharge BMS you would connect P- to your VESC and B- to your battery. However, I would advise against that, as it can mean that you suddenly don’t have brakes anymore when the BMS decides to cut the connection. Most people run the BMS bypassed, meaning that you connect the main negative terminal straight to your VESC and only run a small wire from the main negative terminal to B-.

Either way, your charge ports negative terminal always connects to C- and the positive terminal to your batteries main positive terminal. So you’re mostly correct.

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I dont believe this is correct. LLT SmartBMS’s are shared charge/discharge, meaning that you both charge and discharge through the C- pads. On the official LLT wiring diagram, they say that P- should be left unconnected, no matter whether you’re bypassing or not.

I agree with this, and you stated the reasons why perfectly :metal:

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@Halbj613 We have moved on from those corner cutters, they work fine on paper but wear out quickly on nickel. This is what we use now. They are more expensive but durable. Still not designed for cutting metal though.


does it have to be made by ‘american made’? or any brand will do

also is an xt90 fine for the input cable on a kweld? should i buy something more heavy duty?

Try to find one that looks very similar. Those regular corner chompers will wear out quick.

The XT90 will get hot. I use XT150 connectors.


mine wasnt completed when it came and never came with an xt150 (as far as i an see)

im running dual lipos. can i split off the input wire in parallel and use a seperate xt90 for each lipo?

Yeah if you are using dual, you should be fine with splitting the load between two XT90s.


what wire size is necessary per lipo?

the input is 8awg will 10awg per wire be fine?

ah shit I just remembered I need to buy 10awg wire as 12 probably isn’t gonna cut it for single lipo right?

nvm i’ll just double it up, wire is expensive asf and I dont wanna spend more money on it


Yes, the wiring diagram on their website did not indicate anything was connected to P-

No intention to run discharge through the BMS as I’m well aware that the risks outweigh the benefits.


The 10AWG wires on my lipo get pretty hot but not like desoldering itself hot.

Yeah definitely double it up.

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I’ve seen people double up 12awg in an xt90, hopefully, it isn’t too hard to double up into an xt150. Also, should I remove the XT90 on the battery and replace it or make an xt90 to xt150 adapter?

I think there are common port and separate port BMSs out there, but youre most likely correct.


Yes, very carefully. One lead at a time.

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instructions unclear, fireworks on desk

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QS8-S or even QS10-S work fine too.

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Yep that’s a great point that I hadn’t thought of.

Well it doesn’t really matter as charging should always work through C-.

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