in the event of the application of pressure of any kind to the balance leads, they will squish together and short without something else between them.
eventually you will.
wait… wut… you only spent $200 on that… even if it was built in five minutes with silly putty and masking tape how the fuck do you get a $200 price tag on there with that many cells?
The hottest point in the pack is the best place. This would be the innermost cell or the one surrounded by the most cells. Tape the sensor down firmly, directly against the midpoint of the side of the cell. If you are measuring temp through tape or fish paper your readings will be low.
Same for the BMS, firmly tape the sensor down on the hottest point.
I don’t know. It depends on how hot the BMS gets.
Some BMS’s can get quite hot if they are doing a lot of balancing and they weren’t designed to get rid of the heat or the BMS was designed to be out in the open and not under layers of shrink wrap.
I mean you can charge a 30Q at 4A per cell if you are really in a hurry so theoretically you can dump 40A into the battery…get whatever charger you want lol