The battery builders club

What battery?

3s3p SPIM08’s
IMO, it’s just right. battery stays cool, leads heat a little, the hand probes get too hot before anything else gets warm. So i just waste time here between p groups :joy:


Hell yeah dude :love_you_gesture: I strongly considered this for my welding, but my car battery has been treating me real nice. What pelican case did you go with to fit all that?

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i dig your mojo

snapping zaps into 'electronic pixies should not be rushed

oh yeah, the car battery is ample

I had a motorcycle battery ant that worked well enough, until I got this one going. If the battery I had for this was bigger I would have stuck with that. Got tired of lifting the battery out of my 4Runner :joy:

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yeah, just go with the flow, haha
it stacks up pretty quick anyway, I did all the nickel prep work beforehand, but I have done it between the P groups while the welder cools. Too hectic for me, like pounding good tequila instead of sipping


sometimes it pays to know when to put down the welder and pound the tee-kill-ya

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welds look good…

if you work for free

I’ll sell you my kweld and you can build my shit!!

i’ll supply materials and gUUd tee-kil-ya upon completion


oh man, I wanted to do what @Arzamenable did and have “battery building get togethers” here but … 'rona…

but… your t-shit stunt did earn mad respect, I don’t care what they say about you.

edit: there is a fly IN my kweld. this is an omen


My pool-noodle arms feel this so hard :joy:

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ok, welding done.
about 2:30? basically went as fast as the welder would go. I thought I would solder tonight, but that’ll wait for another day


Install this version of the bms and put the settings like this and after you’re done press the RESET CAPACITY button then you should be all done. I have included some screenshots on how to do it ;).

So uhhhhh my dumbass shorted my p groups on accident (I wasn’t even working on my pack at the time, but they should’ve been covered anyway, I know :cry:)

I don’t see why I wouldn’t need new cells, but lmk if reusing them is okay. I think I’ll only need to replace one on the far left in the first picture, and maybe the one on the far right in the last picture.

My question is: is it okay to make new p packs or replace cells in a p pack with new cells at potentially different voltages? Since I’ll need new ones. I think I may have read that it isn’t okay, but I can’t seem to find the thread anymore (or its on the old forum, and its either down right now or something is wrong with my computer). I don’t see why it would be an issue though, since they would balance when its charging right?

But if not, are there any tips for discharging cells if the voltage is too high?

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yeah I love how pretty your p-groups look. HG6’s? 40T?

If they are at drastically different voltages when you connect them in parallel, you will have a spark and a big rush of current while they try to balance out. I think @janpom did the calculations for exactly how much current flow there would be depending on the voltage difference. Either way, best to limit the voltage difference as much as possible.

Just because those are the only ones that fused the nickel doesnt mean they saw more or less current. All the cells in parallel shared the load at the time you shorted the pack, so all the cells are going to be equally damaged. I would replace the whole p-group.


Still not sure how you did 3S3P when it gave me overcurrent.

Something about the wire lengths I guess.

brother, same thing happened over here. Then after a couple unpluggs and re-pluggin’s it worked…was super weird, it wouldn’t let me calibrate or change the settings for cable length or anything either. IDK =/

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How can I go about doing this?

Damn, I guess ill need 12 new cells then :cry:. I will definitely tape up the ends that aren’t being worked on next time.

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Charging them all to full is the easiest way.

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I would do this, but I’ve already made all my P groups; any other methods?

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