The battery builders club

I use this every day. Bulletproof

Very carefully, probably with some special low-profile electrodes.

If the PCB was stretched by say 5-10% lengthwise, it’d give enough room to get in there more easily.

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So how would I test for continuity for these spots? If BMS is plugged into balance cable I should be getting the voltage of the pack between which spots (place voltmeter probes where)? Between which spots for no continuity?

I have it unplugged, no balance leads or battery connected. It’s not going to tell you if it will work, just that it’s not necessarily dead

Ok, so unplugged, between negative balance pin and the B- line how would I check for continuity without any juice flowing thru there?

Set to ohms and check resistance?

Yeah, it beeps if they are connected

And when you say neg balance lead that would be the first pin sticking out where the balance plug would plug into right?

The one by the little minus sign yeah

Well it looks like there’s continuity between the neg balance pin and the B-, P-, and C- ports, as well as between every balance pin and the C- ports. All other gates show resistance. What does this meaaannnn??

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Oh damn she POOFED! That thing is totally toasted

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Hahahah well glad we got that sorted out!!

@ZachTetra go a 13s Daly you can sell??

First, tell me who’s the best battery builder you know :wink:


:rofl: :rofl:
Alriiiight, here we go


Dirtbag, hands down


As long as it is someone I know and respect :joy:

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:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

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I was gonna do cost price for you but that stunt right there just bumped it by 11%

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@ZachTetra and @Skyart are way TF up there, that’s all I’ll say :smiley:
Is that satisfactory?