The battery builders club

were you on the 'shine?

:astonished: :flushed: :astonished:

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Canadians have an exclusive access to it.
Lemme find it
Threw it in the trash already. Heres an image of it though.

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fukking canoodlians… they gots the best whiskey and 94%

thank gawd they took the french language and that gravy and french-fry shit,

I’ll call it a draw,

It’s called poutine and my wife comes from the city it was invented in :joy:

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allowed in 'merika


maybe in the south… they put gravy on gravy…
she could possibly have a drive thru gravy-boat dispensary there

All good, you guys can keep trump and I’ll keep my poutine :fu:

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Atleast we don’t have that fucking ass weird Thanksgiving sidedish bullshit. The one with marshmallows and sweet potatoes. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage:

FUKKK my MoM makes that crap… whoever thought that was a gOOd idea was either fukkin’ high or very hungry…

Probably both

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i like trump

f-k y’all… him and hillary were the best of the best last time, that our cUntry had to offer… trust me the planet is better off not having to live thru a hillary

well it depends on your soldering iron?

but I got these:

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not clicking :arrow_up: that link…


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The link is clean. click the link.



Pretty sure they would fit. I use a Bako soldering and rework station (probs a hakko clone) but my pen can be swapped out. Did you really order those without prime? You gone crazy?

I’ll go with these instead. Prime always wins

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Hey kids.
Need some advice.

Does any one know the make up of an Evolve GTX battery?

And can I take out the Bms and put in a Daly bms to bypass it to hook it up to a vesc.

How many amps could I pull off of it?

I was getting 15 miles out of it in the evolve. But I just hate that controller…

And I have too many batteries I need to build so I was hoping to make use of this one for a neighborhood cruiser.


Fuck all. If its been used it will be sagging at like 30a


Why you shatter my dreams tomorrow land man?!?

I have had it for a while but it has not been super used…

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As long as it’s not linked to the ESC then it should be fine to run it in bypass? I thought they were 30A per side though