The battery builders club

I’m not cranking these out left and right, but I want the quality to be as high as possible

@fessyfoo haha it’s all the same now :grin::grin:

Heavy block has the thermal mass, thin plate protects the cells, big plate radiates it all…I’ll have a pic of it in use soon


I like the heat sink thing, but things can get sparky quick.

I just use some metal clips, just enough to wick that heat away and not soak the braid

Those packs look good, I’d buy one.


Aww thanks! :slight_smile:

I was worried about sparks so the thin plate has kapton under it and the big one is hot glued to that big cardboard plate

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what is that heavy block?

This is the battery layout I’ve been considering for my 12s2p tayto

seem reasonable?

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I’m making literally that exact same battery for my integrated deck lol, like 100% the same design…should be totally good

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Oh that’s just a block of 18 ga nails

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No kill like overkill :yum:


Got a bit of heatshrink

Lighter in corner for comparison


What are the differences and benefits between plastic heatshrink and rubber heatshrink?

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polyolefin is typically thicker, more abrasion resistant and withstands higher temps vs PVC


I have to admit something. I have never used braided copper wire. I mean, I do have it at home, just never felt brave enough to actually use it.
Why do you guys like it so much? What advantages do you see over silicone wire?

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It’s flat?

But not much, if any, thicker than 14 awg silicone wire?

It’s like the same as 16awg


I’m not sold yet. 14awg is only 2mm thicker than 16awg

the plastic is PVC

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You saw nothing…
Then why do people use PVC? It cost me only 20$ for 2.5 meters of better protection


i personally shrink each half first then cut a piece of thin cutting board in between, but would work just a fine if youre not shrinking each half first.

pretty quick shipping both times i ordered… may have some to spare at cost if needed?

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