The battery builders club

the one I have is this:
it takes these little plugs that change the temp. I only have a “7” plug which is 700F. I’ll have to see if they make like a 9 plug or something

Do yourself a favor kid, get a real iron at least

Xtronics 3020


i don’t wish to make this into a book… but proper preparation makes for good welds… you got half way into it and said oh fuk and pressed the wires into the puddle with your iron…

we’ve all done it,


tin both (tinned wire, and tinned nickel) very well, get a helping hand on the silicone… heat the nickel till the solder is liquid, now with a touch of solder in one hand the iron in the other move the wire into the puddle… the helping hand will hold it there… if you need a touch more solder add a dab… remove heat when the pretinned wire is fluid and in the puddle…


:joy: :joy: :joy:
Goddamnit you know me so well :no_mouth:

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You don’t need a helping hand actually, if I am struggling I put a length of solder in my teeth and poke it in (hold your breath for that)


sorry I don’t do circus work…

a good soldering iron and a helping hand will or even a carefully placed hemostat or needle-nose with a rubber band, make your life worth living…

you must be hilarious watching you solder…


yeah dude that’s what I do hahah

well, let’s not get crazy here… :cowboy_hat_face:

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I usually have a set of heavy pliers with a scrunchie on them for holding connectors and stuff, the problem with a marble (fake) table is everything scoots away on you


silicone mat from the dollar store… what’s the name of the thing that ladies set hot pots on? I can’t remember… spend a dollar its an excellent investment…

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this is what you use?

Fess looks at list of dumb things he still had to figure out.
list item:
soldering honkey stuff barely works. why?

does my soldering iron get hot enough. does it need bigger tips? or does it need more watts? porque no los dos? how many watts anyway does it need? wait… how many watts is it? WhyTF don’t I know that…

auyue 937+ … only 45w.

TIL target 75w so not enough watts. buying more tools.

thanks @whaddys for stiring up convo.


ahh, see my shitty solder joints were not for nothing!


Yeah, its been running at max temp for the equivalent of like 100 hours, but she’s starting to die on me

I got mine from a different source since it doesn’t have the little arms or anything but its the 3020 still


Reposting from my own thread here. I think these are coming along pretty well.

0.2 x 10mm nickel, 39.2J on the Kweld


It’s a trivet… Trivit?

I just made these earlier… And the silicone trivit soaks up the sweating cocktail sweat moisture liquid…


yeah that’s my magic number too!


Lmao really?

yo what is this???

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my wife love trivets. we have a cupboard stuffed full of them.