The battery builders club


Another d140 with issues

This one had an entire tracing peel off the bottom of the PCB when I removed from tape from it. Trying to determine its function and if this thing is done

Looks to go to the temp sensor location (I think) which isn’t in use

@MysticalDork got any idea on this one? @Scepterr your knowledge would be appreciated as well. Its charging, which makes me think its not involved with the balance leads which are clearly all routed on top of the pcb to the transistors. Ill be monitoring it as it reaches full charge

Anyone have a link for decent yet cheap corner chompers on Amazon?

Dude’s saying he can hook us up with $4.5 p42a.



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We need to get him over here

I was gonna say we should have him / her come over so they can introduce themselves.

@esk8victoria this was the @ that they gave at the bottom for insta

Are you just talking about like diagonal cutters?

I vaguely remember seeing something that does rounded corners, I’ve been using tin snips with 45 degree cuts and it has been fine but I was curious

Hmm I wonder if there’s like a nibbler or something with a rounded blade

i sent him a DM on insta with an invitation to come over here


Like this but not with $30 shipping

This looks cool lol did you click aqua XD

lol I did not :joy:

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it looks right, even still, I check all the voltages at the connector to be sure. IDK, I guess it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to check and check again.

I’ve been running the wires on tracks of fishpaper with hot glue, but I have seen double-stick fishpaper on some nicer batteries I’ve torn apart. It’s nice because if I mess up, it’s just hot glue

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@iamasalmon thanks a ton for the drawing man, I’m thinking I’ll cover everything with fishpaper first and the see if I can run the leads over the fishpaper like in your drawing =)

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how the hell do you fix this crazy end after organizing the balance leads?


you should’ve cut the wires to length before soldering them
hold the connector in one place and then cut each wire to length and solder


haha, work backwards from the plug to the leads and cut off the excess. No problem, waayyy better than having short wires, lol

