The battery builders club

It just started raining here @Arzamenable… hope its dry on the other side of the tracks there.

In other news, I’m testing out this nickel… how much salt do I put? … Nevermind, I’ll just make it salty as f@ck.

and we got @Bobby’s smart BMS working now, I gotta say, being able to check individual cell voltages is money money money :money_with_wings:


Ya know you could test it faster by blowing a weld through the nickel lol. Take one strip and weld it high power in the air. If it blows a hole with no sparks its nickel. The more sparks the more steel is in it


One quick step (not 100% guaranteed but super easy) is to look at them. The Amass ones say Amass on them, and the knockoffs often don’t.

The Amass ones also have thicker, stiffer, more yellow housings, with more glass fiber. The knockoffs are often slightly paler and more flexible.


I may as well try and juggle while riding a uni-cycle one legged all the while drinking a margarita…

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haha, @deucesdown and were just talking about alternative nickel tests! He recommended the “dremel spark test”. we were trying to figure out how to ID stainless steel.

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nickel vs steel at 50J pulse


Is that an ios app?

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yup! For some reason my Android would not connect, maybe because my phone is so crappy

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Excellent! Whats the ios app called? Is it on the app store?

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I bet the fakes melt faster…

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Is anyone aware of s sale on 40t cells going on right now? Would like a hundred or so

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If I were you I would contact QB since 100 is the MOQ for 3.9 usd a cell I think…



Is there a version for Android?

Yes there is a version for Android as well.

But that is not as nice as the ios app

What’s up guys and girls. Question, eBay has Sunkko 737 spot welders for 35 bucks brand new, and some that sell for hundreds, are the cheaper ones legit or good enough to get the job done.

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That sounds like a scam xD


Do you know if the app works with this BMS?

I think it’s a different brand and doesn’t work with the app above.