XT60 takes up to a AWG 12 cable that cable at 55v with 2% volt drop is 25amps ish
I can pull over 40 battery amps for some time riding up hills on urethane dule drive 6amp cruising at full speed on flat road to me the XT90 is a good balance at 40cc 90mc with out been over kill of the XT150/250
And yet the Unities shipped with xt60 with 120A battery amps and none melted… The same way a XT90 on the kweld spot welder passes 1500A pulse currents with no problem… Take ratings with a grain of salt and assess per application basis. The mfg ratings are often much below safe limits with legit parts.
Thank you! I appreciate the effort! However I am looking for something even smaller that will just display current and voltage. But it looks like none of the ones in that size show current. Only volts.
I’ll give alibaba another shot
How do we not have a Smart BMS thread yet? I have so many questions about mine that the search function can not answer. Is anyone who is better at making/managing a thread than I am willing to kick it off?
@wandagoner I dont know if you have any experience with these BMS’s, but I have been really impressed with threads you have done before, think you could help us battery micromanagers out? @glyphiks same to you.
Look’s good I kind of miss that deck… it’s nice to see a pic of her being treated so well Version 2.0 will have a lot more room to breath… and other shit.