The battery builders club

No this is a diffrent one

Just bypassed discharge, hopefully that fixes it


I too, also bypass charging. :joy:

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Wait did I do something wrong lol?

I disconnected p- and b- so c- and balance leadd still plugged in, should charge ok…no?

Pretty sure it needs B- too

Else you gonna try to run full charge current through balance wires? lol

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Ahhh I hear you, dang it! Ok I will take this apart again tommo. Lol just finished putting it back together…


That thing is stupid.

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Now I’m wondering if I wired my smart bms the right way, pretty sure I just connected the c- on it and it’s been charging ok

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I have this setup on my smart BMS:

C- to neg charge port
B- to neg of battery


Dang now I’m questioning myself gonna have to look under the hood

Same here

That’s the way to go. Your safety before the battery.

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Smart BMS installed in two of my boards. No issues w them.


I gotta give you a call. I need to get mine running - the AS is dead…

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Let me know.

Haha I have 3 sizes. My order links are dead but search for voltmeter watt meter. The tiny one with .000 resolution is hard to find. In the same shape it usually comes in .00 resolution. You can tell accuracy is all over… theyre off by different amounts over the voltage range, and the ones I have cannot be calibrated.

30q for scale.

The tiny one feels the most fragile and has bad viewing angles. The big one is the best to use of course. I like the one on top but the reset button is recessed grrrr.

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Thanks, yeah, I have exhausted Ebay and AliExpress. I am looking for something that is about the size of your smallest one’s display… 5A is fine…

Really just show amps and Volts, no thrills.

I see on first page:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

4th page:

The tiny one I have is in the 48mm x 29mm range.


wtf there’s a version of the huge one with bluetooth?