The battery builders club

PMd :slight_smile:

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Originally developed for audio for cleaner signals


Excellent write up:

True. And since 2003 adopted by ebikes. Quality ones are rated for 15A.

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what’s wrong with you lol


I have an issue, not sure if battery and bms related?
On the bench I can pull full throttle no problem, as soon as I get on the board and pull more then 15 amp…board dies, and my vx2 is stuck on a screen like this

I have to turn my board off and then turn it on
And it comes on again but then as soon as I get on it the same thing happens
I brought it home with the switch in on position, this switch is the switch on my D595 or whatever it’s called. This bms

Those two white wires go to my switch and that is how I turn the board on and off

That’s the back of it, and those wires connect to the two white wires on my bms. I’m still able to switch the board on and off, but my issue persists…what do you guys think this could be? Should I try to bypass the switch and see if it keeps happening?

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I also noticed this when I turned my board on and off my vescs one of them has a purple blinking light and the other doesnt…

is this also an issue?

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Check faults on VESC tool. DRV in particular


kk will do rn

Just says no fault registered since start up

discharge bypass BMS?

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No its wired for discharge

yeah, I bet the BMS is screwing with you

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Hot garbage, I guess it’s time to rewire this pup…actually throw it away, going to wait for my smart bmss to get here

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no, save it. you may need it. Besides, if you can probably use it for charging just fine, since the charging current is much, much lower. Edit: not sure the smart bms will be better, I’m struggling here with one.

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I saw that post, not sure what you could do, what happened to the bluetooth? Mine started up right away!

You tried putting a charger on the BMS?

I did. Verified 50.4v between Batt+ and BMS C-.
The cells were a bit out of balance so I spend the day manually bringing them back within .02v. going to try charging again now

Edit: looks like its working now @BluPenguin @Bobby

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When you give up, I have D140 charge only coming :joy:

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Is this still that eBay BMS you got that you needed help with the wiring diagram?

I’ve ran two of them with zero issues so far.