The battery builders club

I have a 10s4p battery that has 6 cycles on it, was wondering if I could add 2 s groups to it without it being dangerous, same cells from same batch, will be using a smart bms on it, should I add the s groups both in front or one in front and one in back ?

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I mean I’ve done worse, I would say if that’s the situation you can, it does not make a difference where the series packs go since current goes through all the parallel packs

If you want to be safe about it, take apart 6 of your existing parallel packs and mix in the cells, you would have…it will be a little more in spec that way if you can afford the effort

  • 4x parallel packs with 4x old cells
  • 8x parallel packs with 3x old cells and 1x new cell
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That’ll be fine dude


I’m working on a modular battery pcb system so you can snap apart your battery like Legos and take it on a plane! What do you guys think?


not sure what I’m looking at. can you give an idea of scale and how the cells are arranged and in what configuration? thanks!

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Using 1 of the top pictured pcb’s and 2 of the second and third (for a total of 5 pcbs) it makes a 10s3p pack. Each pcb essentially holds a 2s3p battery. I still need to design a 3d printed case which will hold each 2s3p pack and have a xt60 on the corners to attach the packs. Once the packs are clicked together you attach the balance wires to the jst connectors on each pack and your done! The whole pack could be disassembled and reassembled in under a minute!

Hope this was clear enough! It makes sense in my head but I may not be giving it over clearly. If you have any other questions just ask!


anybody know how to activate this BMS without Bluetooth? The info page says to touch P+ and B+, but none of the connections are labeled P+ or B+. I see a C-, which they say can be P+ in some models (charge and discharge through same port) so maybe that, and the 485 port has a (A and B) so…

why can’t BMS’S be as simple and reliable as balance chargers? uhhhhh

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aaaand this just in. 2 month wait, not bad :nauseated_face:
10m of 30mmx.2mm “nickel” (we’ll see). Time to go nutz on those HG6’s I’ve been hoarding. At the last count I had 275 cells. Time to make some sparks @Arzamenable @Bobby


Lemme know if you wanna sell an of those cells :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart:


sure, PM sent. I bought too many, maybe… I had a plan for them but I can’t remember what it was, lol


Im down @iamasalmon I wouldn’t mind taking some lessons from a dr and a fish! I really need to learn at least how to fix my batteries if not build them

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Pretty snug fit @Halbj613 but with a small bms and small vesc, should be perfect! Will have to trim some of that heat shrink, but this is going to be a great build! Great job with the deck :star_struck: @tomiboi ! It looks well made and very good quality, very minor shipping damage tho, I will reship it in a box so no more damage is caused.

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Why not just get a standard XLR at that point?


Haha, I love your volt-ammeter sausage build!

I have been looking for a physically smaller volt-ammeter without luck. Has anyone seen any?

what is an XLR?

Does anyone have 40x samsung 30q they wanna get rid of?
Standard for ebikes

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I have about 52 that I could pass on


Brand new?