@Tech.Shit - shut the fuck up and figure yourself out

It’s “YOU’RE” you fucking Venom121212


Posts inflammatory things
Insults/puts down other
Told to stop and doesn’t
Goes on socials and continues

Create an entire thread dedicated to him and the way he acts

Congrats! You gave him exactly what he wants, either get the mods to deal with him or mute him on your end, if someone is looking for attention and being obnoxious, just don’t give them what they want. If it bothered hoyt that much they could stop him from being able to comment on their posts within 30 seconds on the Instagram app, if his comments annoy you that much (I’ve never had a problem with him) just mute him on the forum.


TBF my position used to be “just mute him” too but after a certain point it’s not that he’s done something horrible to me, it’s that he’s making the place worse and it’s worth acknowledging. I nearly got chased off here in my first couple of months because some guy decided to be a homophobe and a troll, but a good few people spoke up in threads and it all got the mods attention. If they’d had the same approach that he wasn’t doing much to them but was just annoying I’d have been left to myself and felt like shit.

This isn’t 100% the same because he’s not really attacking a specific person but he’s definitely part of the reason some active users got discouraged or a casual browser didn’t bother signing up, and from personal experience it makes a difference if people call out bad behaviour so folks on the receiving end know it’s not their fault

Calling myself out

I found at least three posts specifically saying to just mute him


I understand what you’re saying and in an ideal world it would work, but from what people in this thread have posted, it seems like people have tried talking to him before and getting him to change and he just won’t, my first solution was to get the mods to take care of him, give an ultimatum, shape up or ship out. Muting him is more of a personal solution, if he really bothers you, its something within your control, nothing else really is, he will act how he wants, and as long as the mods don’t do anything there is nothing you can do besides just mute him.

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Personally, having being called out by Andrew for being a shit cunt several times before, I appreciate being told that i’m being a shit cunt as it gives me a chance to reflect and improve myself and my behaviour.

People would do better to reflect on their behaviour when called out, rather than just getting their backs up and crying the victim.


This bowser guy sounds like a POS


yes and no. Apparently I burned so much oil it did damage to the engine, but it’s still running ok and it doesn’t;t seem to be consuming any oil, so I blame the mechanic because this is America.


You’re a shit cunt. Get your act together man


hey he’s my shit cunt :angry:


Can we all be shit cunts together? :point_right::point_left:


This is all the evidence I need to assume that tech.shit is actually Jason potter


Also, can confirm that the neurodivergent excuse has been used and has worked on me. Mostly it worked because I am also neurodivergent and have a very difficult time managing my responses to things, as anyone who watched me fight with @DerelictRobot back when would know. I’m not an instigator, though. I tend to finish things other people start.


Oh c’mon man, my posts are useful, like phonebooths.


I rather like phonebooths. Better than listening to some cunt on a bluetooth rant maniacally in front of everyone.


My corner liquor store has a big sign “get off your phone!” because this was a big issue.
I always found it rude to converse on tele while being rung up.
Where else are you going to talk about the weather with a stranger?


Bill and I met at his local glory hole


I hope he finally got those edges sanded down. My dick still cringes when I see plywood with splintered edges


haha penis

also ya, TS is quite the stain on our community

but you didn’t hear that from me :bread:


I like electric skateboards.


They don’t love you back, especially with how you build em.