I hear these are going to be hitting the scene early this summer or maybe in late spring. (Looks at calendar… it’s late spring right now)
The biggest improvements I have noticed is that they work better in wet conditions, on small pebbles, and on rough, aged asphalt. Overall, they seem better to me than the already-amazing TB110 in 74A as long as they hold up for a long time. I haven’t been able to chunk them with hard riding.
These should be launching in opaque black and diaphanous blue colors.
This is the third skate I’ve been running these prototypes on, and they’ve been kicking my ass
I actually haven’t noticed much of a difference in consumption nor in ride smoothness (it’s already super smooth) but the grip seems higher.
The jury is still out on longevity, but I have done everything I can to punish them, and, like their TB110 brethren, they have resisted everything so far.
Mine still going strong, no chunks. Never got them to slide on a clean surface. Rain traction is good . Though pebbles, gravel or sand on asphalt is scary, lots of traction to none is hard to get used to. Quite plush 98% of the time. Cracks perpendicular to the direction of travel can be harsh. Although at 45deg angle you can even ride up gutters. Light off-roading possible.
I actually sent Dex info on this and the average increase for me for wh/mi was like approx .1. I should also mention I was running AWD. But as @b264 mentioned seemz pretty low. That difference could’ve easily been just more aggressive riding so hard to definitely say that was the main culprit.
@torqueboards : I consider you to be the single most important vendor in our industry. Not discounting any others, just super thrilled to see yet another game changing product on the horizon.
I must ask, however, Since you (Dex) are making the best Urethane’s in the multiverse, when are you gonna offer the single-best modular press-fit pulleys (at the lowest price possible) to compliment these wheels? LITERALLY the only reason I don’t already have your wheels is that I already have BKB Abec modular pulleys, and he’s out of stock on the kegel adapters. I’ll give you my dog in exchange for your cooperation in this matter. Thanks.
Also, if @b264 needs help testing these new wheels and the future-pulleys, I’d be super down to lend a hand. You can thank me later
EDIT: If you’d like some design notes, I’d be glad to discuss (not that I know what I’m talking about or anything, just offering). Cheers!
@torqueboards I am buying these new wheels the instant they are available. If you need a tester let me know. I’ve been riding every day the weather permits.