SuperCharged Vanguard | 20s4p | MakerX D100 | 140Kv 6354 on Savage TKPs [RETIRED]

How it Started
I was originally only going to build a 20s race board, but then @Evwan and Co. convinced/pulled me into [Complete] Eboosted 42” vanguard enclosure group buy. The vanguard was just simply too hard of a platform to pass up, esp. at 42" and all that flex. A sick carver was what I had in mind.

Since I was already going to build a 20s and I didn’t really want more chargers, I decided this would also be a 20s board lol. So, this board isn’t Boosted it’s SuperCharged :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

Current Form
Using the Luna 350s was more of what I had on hand as I waited for the Savage TKPs to come back in stock, to make it a true carving machine. But of course it looked ridiculous. The RKP Lunas are still mad carvers BTW, they feel sooo good. Then @rusins introduced me to his smaller Lunas, which makes it a bit less ridiculous. This is what I put on it tonight with actual milled adapters read about my accident. Anyways it’s late, wet, and raining so here’s its current form and only glamour shot (just sliding it in for BOTY contention):


Future Plans

  • A nicer back foot stop
  • Savage TKPs (literally coming in a few days)
  • Different motors?

Relevant Build Stuff


Sucker! Vanguards >


wait are you running the 300kv motors on 20s?

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Yes lol, it’s what I had on hand. Pretty cool to be able to hit 140k ERPM on the bench.

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What is this and why has no one ever told me they made them in smaller sizes?? Are the 290s the smallest they have made or are some even smaller versions floating around the esk8 void somewhere They’re the only raked trucks in esk8 compatible widths but the 350s are way too big for any of my street builds

That being said, if you don’t want that 290 once you get the tkp trucks in, I’d be willing to buy it off of you


You can be the first to know if I ever decide to sell, but currently the plan is to move them to a different board. I didn’t know about them either but it seems they’re no longer offered. @moon would know best though.

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Hoyt’s Rosa trucks also fit this description, and have nice motor mounts for belt drive.

That being said, Moon’s hangers are compatible with any caliber 2 compatabale baseplate, and have a popular hanger end profile for other drivetrain options. I would love to see more Luna truck size options :slight_smile:


just email them. they’ll sell it to you

We’re back up and running after a couple minor hiccups. Got the lit af @Savage1 TKPs on there, super excited to give those a full on ride (whenever the rain stops or I get back to the parking garage).

Hiccups: closed the enclosure but the ppm adapter was plugged in backwards so no input or remote connection. And when running detection the motor that was a part of my accident was being really weird. Made lots of loud sounds but didn’t spin, the FOC values were not sticking when running the wizard. After manually inputting and writing to the VESC it now spins up fine. Took it for a mini spin seems good to go.

Still needed:

  • ordered proper motors
  • play with the bushings
  • foot stop coming in tomorrow
  • vicious clear grip (I think the grip is lacking)
  • butyl tape and call it good

Note that the clear has the smallest grit of the vicious grips.

Clear - fine
Red - medium
Black - coarse


Wait what for real it’s not all the same level. Damn. I’ll check to see if it’s at least better than what’s on there.

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Its still grippier than regular grip, but they are definitely graded like that.

Clear grip kinda sucks tho tbh, it just turns brown :rofl:


Interesting, will have to keep that in mind if I ever decide to regrip. Guessing the brown is from dirt? I only chose clear cause the vanguard default is basically a clear. I plan to sand down the frit.


Yeah just dirt from shoes, maybe even a bit of UV yellowing maybe.

Def sand off the frit, vicious claim that you can just lay it on top of other grip, but this hasn’t worked so well for me personally.

Build is looking hot with the savages on there :ok_hand:


Clear is hit and miss…
I don’t love it. I don’t hate it…

If you are a perfectionist it may not be for you…

I tend to enjoy the Patina/dirt the grip tape on my boards get.
The clear definitely shows lots of stuff.


I am really liking the feeling of this Roam by Jessup I put on my Gravel Boi.

It’s coarser than regular Jessup but not super crazy.


That clear still looks good imo, I like that pattern too. I don’t think I’ll be too bothered. Just needs to look good once for the photo ops :joy:.

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You know…I think the crush is clear Jessup. Not clear vicious.

I think clear vicious is less clear…


Lol for real. Its almost white :rofl:


Lol well shit, I thought I remember seeing someone’s redember 44 with clear down the middle and stickers it wasn’t bad… Well I have it now, I’ll find out soon enough