Summer 2021 E-Games of D.I.R.T

I really hate being nit picky at these kinds of things because it makes me feel mean so I’ll let someone else decide

After reviewing my footage when I recorded I was disappointed that many I thought were good were not, only had one that I considered to be actually 180, the rest were between 150 and 170 - I have perfectionist tendancies at times

I get how annoying it is to re-do it, I did the entirely wrong trick the first time :roll_eyes:

If you lift the wheels spin the board around so your back end is facing the other way, land and carry on rolling it its a land dude, I think you are thinking too much about it if you wouldn’t class 170 as a land.


I’m still very new to this, you’re probably right

My engineering exactness should not be applied to skate tricks I suppose :rofl:

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Id like to think if you can turn out of it to straight its a 180.
If it was a 90, there is no turning out of that.
So Id like to think if you can land it then it can be considered a 180.
Even some go 190, would that no longer be a 180 then?
I think even those who go 190 would say its a 180.
Its that area between about -25 or +25 from 180 I would consider acceptable if you can keep it rolling.
I believe anything more and your prob eating dirt.


i still can’t manage to get it, and it’s hot this week :hot_face::cold_sweat:


If you can’t take the heat, get out of the toaster.

Can you hit it while not moving?


not yet :confounded:

furthest so far is 120° with a lighter lipo pack


Think arms and legs before the jump and really get that whole body in to it. You can do itttt!


@Andy87 I’m going to use my extension this week. I’m moving into college and have a lot going on.

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ok, so i think i did it? got little time nefkre the weather kicks in, it was still like 93 feels like 103 when i recorded

i think i ended up doing a BS nollie here and there :sweat_smile:
but hopefully some of the other attempts count (ignore the regular nollies if you want, i was tired)



@Jbev 3.9. for you than. Hope you got some free minutes to make it till than.

@poastoast always impressed how you can lift a board that’s nearly your own weight :joy: well done :ok_hand:

To all others how did not make it yet, if you need to take the extra week please let me know. 3days left :point_up::point_up::point_up:


so personally i think 3:50 wasn’t it but at 4:18 definitely was within tolerance


100% bro, well done! That board looks heavy

Thanks @Pickled_Monkey :+1:


Backside 180 is scary :man_shrugging:
This challenge helped me to face the fear and improve it further :+1:
I pulled a muscle, sprained my ankle and the heatshrink of the battery was torn.


Nice got some clean ones in there for sure

I cant tell if it would be easier or harder to do it off of a mini jump. From my tiny bit of jumping so far, it seems pretty scary


Well you got now two weeks to recover :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s harder on dirt jumps because you need some speed and if you fail you are fucked. The thing is that you have to ride in reverse after the jump which needs a lot of practice. The “mini” jump in the video is a small table which you should clear, you know what happens if not :rofl:.

In the video there is one single normal jump, I wanted to do a frontside 180, tried it twice but didn’t have the balls. I can do frontside 180’s (or 360’s) on smaller jumps when landing on flat but on steep dirt jumps with sloping landing I have a blockade in the head. I must finally pull myself together.

If you want to practice small jumps or 180’s I can recommend to search for a step up feature. E.g. a small natural kicker with flat grass landing. On a step up it’s easier to practice and falling hurts much less. Here an example of a nice spot where I did my first 180’s, the natural kicker is not visible here but you can imagine it. Also the evidence that I improved my fakie skills.


Wow yeah makes sense

The first three seconds makes me want to go purchase kneepads and elbow pads like right away


If i made a video of all my falls then you would want to buy more than that :rofl: