Subsonic Skateboards since '99 - Custom Decks for DIY Builds

I received a Subsonic Century 40 which was defected, and sent back to Subsonic for repair, only to receive a second defected deck. Please see my full post here including photos:

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Hi there, just wondering how well the subsonic century 36 would do as an electric skateboard. I haven’t seen too many DIY builds with the century 36. I see most people using the subsonic century 40 (and GT40), or talon versions. Unfortunately I can only get my hands on either a subsonic century 36 or GT40. Also, I’m about 5’9 if that matters. I presently ride an evolve GTR and I like the overall length (I believe its 38 inches). I would ideally like to have the motors mounted inwards but I not set on that. I have reached out to subsonic via email a few weeks back to try to get a century 40 but it’s just radio silence. I still, however, like the look of their boards and would like to hear from the community what their thoughts are. Thanks!

More space for a standing platform for riding.

If you go with Eboosted he has the 40 in carbon and will sell with an enclosure FYI.

Does the century 36 feel like there’s that much less space to stand on? I have never stood on any of these drop decks.

I think GT40 will be just right, it is an amazing deck.

They are going out of business since they didn’t renewed their factory lease.

Oh really? That’s too bad they are going out of business. Have you used a gt40? It seemed a bit wide?

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I also was worried I about the fact I wouldn’t be able to use truck risers if needed since it’s a drop through deck.

You can use risers if you top mount it

Ihave not used it yet, but seems good. Like a hummie deck with a bigger drop. Lots of forum member have used it and like it a lot.

Whaaaaa??? You serious? How you know this?

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Would that put stress on the board that way?

Talked to them. I was going to buy a lot of decks from them and told me so. Now they are focusing on retail customers until they close, hence I couldn’t buy as a whole seller. Sad sad times, their decks are awesome.


What do you mean? Risers are widely used even on double drop decks

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Sorry I must have misread what you wrote before. I see what you mean now. Have you seen the century 36? If so how do you think it would do as an electric skate?


See if you can get some free swag or maybe a board at a discounted price :call_me_hand:

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Your pic is tripping me out, Bao. Angle makes the front wheel look out of alignment.