Not sure I’ll open it up and check
You’re right, turns out it is in the ubox user manual. I tried clicking the power button as described but the #7 light (CAN BUS interconnection) is not toggling on or off.
If I use a CAN bus wire to connect the ESCA and ESCB on the ubox, then dual motor detection/control works fine.
Any ideas what this could mean?
Another guy is having CAN issues with his Spintend at the moment. Lights say CAN connected, but doesn’t show up on Vesc Tool.
Can you show a picture of your cable?
Thanks. Supplied by Spintend?
Yes, it came with 4 wires in the hardness but I removed two. From what I read a couple of places in this forum, I thought I should only connect CANH and CANL and not all 4 ports.
For reference, this is my setup.
Can H and Can L all time ever connect GND is important.
Not on the short distance. Even with 1000mm gnd isn’t really needed.
It’s about the safety voltage swings at higher last.
Hi, I’m sorry if he mentioned it here. Is the sale also in the EU shop?
You are Welcome.
Is better you make shoping directly by spintend from china. you have best support and Warranty.
Here’s the diagram. You can only use the brake light if you want. I’m personally going to make my own because I want the horn.
you mean like 21s and 84amps battery? UBOX fets will over heat with that amps, need to refplace them wit lower resistance once. (current once I think are like 6mOhm, so drop down to1.5mOhm fets should do it well.)
but point is more. about Phase amps - in order to compete with square wave like punch of 40a controller and really let people on 1-2kw motors feel like they only gain by moving to VESC a phase amp of about 150-160a is needed. ( voltage of the battery doesn’t play any role here.
Current UBOX can support 125-130amps actually, above that it starts to missbehave due to EMI - no over heat.
I see your new design, great work!
- more space between board will help reduce contamination.
- All logic components facing away the power board also will reduce EMI effecting it.
- all power switching components like FETs and drivers facing down away from logic board also reduces EMI that they can produce.
- Extra thick copper pad always good, basically 2 shields now between noise source and logic.
= end result I expect this version will be able to take 150a phase just as well as my march revision handles 125a great improvements! What fets you use on that revision? same as before?
This tip here saved me a lot of time. Thank you, Takachi14! I wonder if that’s the issue I was having with my VX2. Nothing was lighting up on the Bluetooth module.
@AmySpintend @hardunclejohn The internal CAN on my Type-C Ubox is not working. I tried using the CAN cable to connect ESCa and ESCb as a work around solution and its yielding the same results. I can control each side individually but not together. The yellow #7 light will toggle on/off even though it does not appear to be working.
Is it possible to send you the Ubox to be inspected/repaired?
Does the heatsink come off and reattach easily?
if you do not mind 500 loctited screws, and knocking 5 standoffs out of position multiple times.
Oh shit really?
If you have an UART device connected it might be the cause.
I cannot scan canbus if my Davega is connected.
Don’t know why tho…
the vesc tool 5.2 problem reminds:
in our production test process, we met some wired wronlgy feedback from 5.2 vesc tool. and also our customer met this problem. if your ubox has one side not detected , or not finished programming well . then try it in this step:
Read the default seting for motor and app setting, then write in both. Do this in both side of ESC