How do you connect them together?
They are not connected together, you have an app for the BMS and Vesc Tool for the VESC.
That’s why I told you that every BMS work with the Ubox.
I get that. I was thinking you were connecting the two units together so that cell voltage would show up in the vesc tool app.
That’s why we are using Metr.
It doesn’t. Look up for metr module. It’s a Bluetooth module that can communicate to both vesc and some of the BMS (diebie, ltt and flexbms i think)
It’s really really useful module,I definitely recommend it in every build.
It looks really cool. I am just a little concern with how many Blue tooth modules I have going with everything else. I also think I am out of UART
Thanks for explaining
You can get usplit to convert 1 into 3
I just found out you there’s an automatic brake light built into the ubox… just before I am about to build my own… Smh
I dont understand exactly what he meant. Can I see the diagram he sent you?
He said wait in minutes but still hasn’t sent it…
I was noticing in the bench test that I was getting errors when braking from spinning the motors, actually correction it is when it go from being off the throttle to on slightly it tries to correct to a lower speed but gets a fault. I don’t think the FW is the solution to that behaviour.
when my glue is dry I will try under load… or I might just throw the wheels on it will be fine for that before glue cures.
Anyone know how to sync a trampa Wand with the Ubox? I’m having trouble…I have the proper spintend Ubox 5.1 software and have updated the wands Bluetooth receiver with VESC via usb connection. But, all I get is a solid red led on the reciever and can’t connect the reciever to the wand. Any help would be dope! Thanks guys!
Did u invert the rx and tx wires on the dongle also whenever the wand is paired with the dongle the red led doesnt turn. That led is only one if u connect to the dongle via bluetooth by mobile vesc tool or some other bluetooth app. Also make sure the red wire is goin to 3.3v pin and not the 5v pin on the uart/comms port of ur ubox.
I did not invert the rx and tx… I will try that when I return from work. Everything else I think I’ve got correct. Thanks for the help and tips man!
np and its a common issue for most ppl gettin a wand for the 1st time.
yes it works
wow thats news to me!
Single VESC already arrived to some people in the community and so far F awesome ! just as amazing as Ubox is!
There is simply NO competition to Spintend UBOX because of the its price and 130 phase amps it can deliver without sweat!! (one guy is running it 190 phase amps without addition cooling - it does reach 90c and throttles than, but it is f amazing and can do 150a without extra cooling! he did get lucky on HW and loaded custom FW, generally do not go above 125-130a phase on rear motor and probably 90a on front motor)
current box is amazing for 500w motor to 1200w motor - because phase current is 130a max one should load on UBOX.
However there are so many people with scooter 1200-2000w that want to get this amazing controller but don’t because max phase amps are too low for such motors. I sincerely hope Ubox PRO will be able to handle 180a phase as reliably as UBOX can do 125a (that would open up new range of the market to Spintend)
Also there is still not easy to implement and elegant display for scooters (may be like 3-3.5 inch)
here is an idea. VSETT / Zero displays are also based on STM chip and communicates to its controller via basic UART! - this means that technically it is possible to adjust VESC code or Display code to work with each other. Spintend - you could order a bunch of those generic displays and modify code in them and resell them as VESC simple scooter solution
I left mine on lastnight and it shut off
Forgot to mention…this worked for me man! Thanks again!