👾 Space Invader - Venom's 4th Build

God dude. I totally did not see that. Got you now…

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First crash today :dizzy_face: But it wasn’t me.

I asked my neighbor if he wanted to go for a ride before our kids got off the bus, he said sure. I asked him what board he wanted to ride and he said the space invader… I half jokingly said no its too new but felt bad later and let him eventually try it on some long stretches. He was going faster and faster and I was getting nervous about my baby so I started to catch up to say something when it happened.

Wobble right, wobble left, wobble right, wobble left, wobble right, almost recovery left, down.

Thank God everything is completely fine. He wobbled towards the right side of the road and while finally cutting back to the left, he touched some wet grass on the edge of the road and the board slid in front of him.

His ass bounced on the concrete once before he slid into the grass. He will feel it tomorrow but he was up immediately, worried about if he damaged the board.

Next thing he said was “man, that thing just keeps accelerating more and more” :rofl:

He must have been going close to 30 mph because I was struggling to catch up on the Circuit Board.

No damage whatsoever to my board which is crazy for a fall in bindings at that speed. Just some mud to match the rest :fallen_leaf:

Stay safe and ride often.


:call_me_hand:t4: :+1:t4::dash:


I have boards that top out around 18-22mph (fast enough to leave the scooters in the dust) and those are the ones I let newbies ride. Still berating them if they go for stop speed right out of the gate. Like, run off a few times before you push a board beyond that ability for recovery… I’ve thought long and hard about what’s going to happen to me if I fall of the board at 30mph+.


Yeah entirely my fault for not speed capping him.

Although it’s never bad to demonstrate how much better you are than other neighborhood dads :thinking:


Went for a Halloween ride last night through Cincinnati and into Kentucky with the local onewheels and one meepo. It was an awesome but interesting ride that crosses over the Ohio River a few times and has some great views.

I also had my first signal loss with the new version of the maytech split trigger remote :dizzy_face:

I was cruising an area downtown called the banks where it’s like 20 bars on one block back to back.

Noticed some phantom acceleration while I was getting schwifty and brakes weren’t responding while headed towards an intersection.

I lowered my remote as close as possible to my top mount and signal restored in time. I got more weirdness on this road when I went through slowly again. Must be all the bars remote signals going on so condensed but still sketchy. I also had a metallic duct tape space ship interfering so I will retest with normal clothes on.

Great ride otherwise though!

Best costume that wasn’t mine was this onewheel turned Heely :joy:


That heely is ingenious! :smiley:

This is the 2020 version that was going for cheap, right?

Hmm, then again you have basically built a faraday wall above your board. I wonder if any remote could deal with that lol

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Yeah it’s been rock solid otherwise. Especially for winter it’s nice having a remote I can use warm gloves with.


If you have a METR module you can just update the ERPM limit and motor current over Bluetooth as a saved config so you can drop the settings for new riders

Last I’d heard, metr didn’t like unity but maybe it’s been fixed with the newer vesc fws?

I need to play with the profiles more apparently

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It seems to work on mine, I just put it together last night

Edit: the ERPM limit is working on mine, running UNITY FW23.46

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Ran into an odd issue last night… At some point my circlip must have jumped to the other side of the motor nub while riding.

Under a hard accel, it caused the motor can to pop out of sync with the stator.

Took a small spill and went home to diagnose.

Up on the bench, I noticed the gear case was full of black “stuff”. Grease was red and I haven’t been riding it long enough to get that much dust in there

Found a broken shim in there as well and my green loctited pulley was sliding up and down the shaft freely but couldn’t rotate with the key still in there.

Oddest part yet… While disassembling, I realized my V ring on that side is gone.

I’m thinking maybe it got sucked into the gear case and torn to shreds, making all that blackness, breaking a shim, and somehow causing my circlip to jump to the other side of the shaft.

  1. How the fuck did the circlip jump the stop on the motor shaft and still stay stuck on the other side of it?

  2. How and why did that axle shim break like that? Maybe axial load on the stacked shims?

  3. Where is my damn V ring?

Gahhh great start to the day.


Thats an odd occasion for sure. Maybe a blackhole spawned and warped some stuff around in the drive must be the only explanation :scream:

Do you think it might be related to your neighbours crash, throwing stuff out of wack?

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That’s a good point to consider…

I rode it around twice after he crashed and the board didn’t flip at all, just slid out under him into the grass. Could have stressed some things though.

I’m wondering if stacking that many shims/washers is a bad idea with the axial load made by the helicals.

I want to open the other side now and see if it’s all red or equally black inside.


I have a feeling that’s what it was.

Axial load in one direction will load the bearings directly, but in the other direction the entire axial force transfers thru the circlip.

So ideally the helicals should be orientated to have the axial force towards the outside of both axels when going forward to not load the circlips 99% of the time (only in reverse)

Are moon gears mirrored or the same on both sides? (chirality, fancy word from @b264 :crazy_face:)


Yeah I was just trying to mentally do that but I could be wrong.

Doesn’t look like they’re mirrored


I guess that’s cheaper to make, but you always end with one side chewing the circlip over time :sweat:

Trampa helicals are the same but their motors are circlip-less, so they don’t have an “axial bias” I suppose.

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You don’t need to go reverse, just reverse the torque, the circlip will get loaded either way, in one case braking and in other accelerating

A good way to avoid it is to use the gear itself with a spacer to take the load out of the circlip, can even remove it and use the gear loctited to the shaft to hold the motor closed


Good points, this is what etoxx suggests in his assembly instructions as well. I removed the circlip and stacked some washers to gap the distance between the pinion and motor.


This is what gets me…

The shaft (gray) has a standoff that the circlip (red) goes under.

The circlip jumped to under the orange shims on the other side of that standoff.

I’m not sure if:

  1. the loctite gave first and the gear compressed the shims until one gave (why would the circlip jump then?)


  1. The circlip got compressed, and jumped into the shim, jamming it up (motor bolts were tight, but sure why circlip would be compressed anyway with that standoff)

Which brings me back to black hole or V ring being eaten somehow.