Hey guys and gals I’ve got a good one for yah. Thanks to @Sender property tax flash sale im building my second prototipo. Never planned on building a second but I just couldn’t pass up a good deal. Plus I jumped the gun when I sold my last proto but Im glade I did because ive got a senderized board now.
You could get a rubber gasket and glue it to the enclosure lip, then drill through it for the mounting holes to get you the depth you need. That’s how I got DS on my City Slickerer.
Me too! You did a fantastic job on that one. It was a PITA placing each of those white pieces individually to get that star effect but I am so glad I did!
I have always been partial to line art/pictogram style artwork, something about it just calls to me. That one I love .
You will likely have to do a gasket like @Sender said. You can get some hard duro rubber and cut it in strips. apply epoxy to both the rubber and the enclosure lip (doesnt take much) then clamp it ion place and let it cure. Its not a bad job.
Damn this looks amazing. I wanna see a video of this beauty once it’s done! I think u can place the unity and the bms next to eachother in the front just like @Brently did on his.