Unwilling to part ways with my pushboard which I had electrified for a while, I set out to build a new board with the single Loaded hub I had.
Sickboards tempted me with their free shipping for orders above 200€, and I bought a Loaded Coyote. It’s about the same size as a regular skateboard, which is as small as I’d want to go anyway. I hooked it up to the backpack battery like with the previous board and used it that way for a while.
I’m using Boardnamics 145mm RKP trucks, with an adjustable baseplate at the back set to 25 degrees. Front is a 45° Caliber baseplate. This setup is stable at high speeds (~45km/h), but occasional wobbles from hitting a rock were too scary for my taste. Swapped the bushings for riptide – krank green cones in the front, white chubby cone and green barrel in the back. Rides / 10 now.
I bought a used ABS plastic enclosure from @mr.shiteside which fits the deck perfectly.
@Simeon built me a 12s1p P42A battery which fits this enclosure really well. Can’t really fit anything larger without getting a micro BMS anyway.
For the ESC I’m using a Maytech SuperESC MTSPF7.5K V4 based Speed Controller which I got for free from @longhairedboy . Thanks!
The ESC has an on/off switch, but it’s a latching one, so I wasn’t confident in adding it to the build. I believe the idle power draw is an issue anyway, so loopkey it is. I want this build to be a reliable backup board that I never have to tinker with again once it’s done.
Build went pretty smooth. Filled all the existing holes in the enclosure with epoxy mixed with black pigment, then drilled holes for the SP-13 chargeport, XT-90 connector for the loopkey, and an MT-30 connector that matches what the Loaded hub-motor has. Those all get secured with hot-glue from one side, while the other side gets epoxied. Inside has bullet connectors so that I can easily swap the ESC if I need to, and everything else uses XT-30s. Charge port is fused with a blade fuse holder of course. TL;DR: building everything like I usually do, because it just fucking works.
I drilled straight through the enclosure and deck to get the holes to line up somewhat. I don’t care about aesthetics, so I’ve just got stainless bolts going through both, and then washers and lock-nuts on the bottom.
Oh, and because the charge port has a nice screw-on cap, I never have to worry about losing my loopkey again
Total cost: 800€
Cost breakdown
- Deck: 115€
- Adjustable baseplate: 51€
- hangers: 83€
- Bushings + pivot cup + caliber baseplate: 30€
- Loaded hub + 3 caguama wheels: 250€
- Zealous bearings: 20€
- Enclosure: freeish
- ESC: free
- Battery: 200€
- Remote, Flipsky VX1: 35€
- Moon beams: free
- Random connectors & wires & bolts & spacers & risers: 16€
Total weight: 6.0kg
Range: 12 - 15km
Top speed: ~45km/h on flat
Overall thoughts:
Fuck me is DIY esk8 expensive, but it’s totally worth it, because this board is so fun to ride! I get ~14km of range on windy days when I’m gunning it, but I think it could do 20km if you ride chill. I only run the motor at 25A because I don’t want to cook it, but that’s enough to get some decent speed, especially at 12s, and especially if you’re going downhill I definitely go faster than I should on such a small board, I’ll try to take a video for you guys soon.
You can see from the markings on the board that I stand with my front foot on top of the front truck, using the raised nose of the board as a reference point, and my rear foot is on the tail so that I can have a wider stance. (And, obviously, use the tail when I need to make a tight turn)
The battery on top of the board was okay when riding, but since this motor doesn’t have sensors and is weak af, it’s a lot nicer to be able to reposition your front foot to kick-push this board when starting off. Also when emergency braking, because this small of a battery + weak of a motor ain’t gonna stop you
This board is awesome for taking on public transit due to its size, and it’s a great board to loan to weaker people on longboard group rides. I think part of my satisfaction also comes from the fact that this was a super quick and easy build for me, which means more time riding