Should I buy a Onewheel Pint?

That’s…not really accurate.


well you did not say how the pint is better for a $$ to repair and upgradability standpoint so idk what you mean.

Buy a pint and you have instantly spent $350? on a battery and esc that will not help ya in the future. sure sell them and you get the money back.

I am not trying to say the floatwheel is better in every way but @jbshayward was asking for an apples to apples comparison on specs and I think there are other important values to consider is what I meant.


You’re putting way too much value into the idea of upgradability, which itself I’m not sure you’re placing correctly.

If you’re just assuming a Onewheel needs to be upgraded out of the box, then you’re kind of missing the point of a Onewheel.

The ESC houses the firmware, which I’ve yet to see an “upgrade” to.

The user experience is close to perfect. I bought my XR almost 3 years ago. Haven’t changed the battery and I still get 19 miles on a charge. Right now is my “in the future” and it’s helping me just fine.

Until the balance control reaches a similar level of consistency across terrains, riders, and riding styles, the worry about “upgrades” doesn’t have that much value.

And besides, the Floatwheel is a fairly rough kit. Nowhere near the polish of a Pint.

I’m not the only one who feels this way, either. But you’re free to value what you value and believe what you like. I remain hopeful but skeptical.


I am also trying to tailor the advice I am giving to a DIY esk8 builder, not your average Joe.


Absolutely. And DIY eskate builders are usually best served by being realistic. Which is why when I get asked if the Floatwheel is a good substitute for a Pint, I tell them no. It simply isn’t.

If one wants a Onewheel, they should get one. If one wants to build a one-wheeled skateboard that kind of functions like a Onewjeel, they should build one and be realistic about how difficult it is and will be to get it to work reliably, and how long it may be before it’s as reliable or fluid.

I’ve loaned my Pint out to people to passaround, specifically to help push along the development of the balance app. I’m hopeful, and willing to continue putting time, video work, and money into it. But as of now, I remain skeptical.


As a Pint rider it’s pretty well built, there’s no need for a system overhaul for a long time, unless you need more range then leave it as is, just get a better tire and foot pads


I never said the pint was a bad choice, only you would have to pay more when that later upgrade date comes. True it is not really due yet.

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When an OW dies the only reliable option is zombify it, stick a classic BMS and a VESC, only issue is the motor has 5v sensors not 3.3v (at least that’s what I think they are)


I fed my v1 hub sensors 5V. I even think I sent more than 5V one time during testing haha/

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She still not toasted?

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nah iz good. I think I had only sent like 6V maybe

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DIY eskate builders usually want at least a little bit of speed and power. On the pint you will get overtaken by a grandma on their bicycle. Before 20s Vescs I didn’t even think about getting a OW type board.


Yeah there’s no way I can give up eskate, getting speed capped at 14mph is abysmal :sweat_smile:


Of course. But I don’t think it’s realistic to get a Onewheel in the expectation to go fast. Certainly not a Pint. But the Pint is very fun and the XR is one of the most enjoyable trail riding experiences I’ve had.

They’ve all got their purpose, and the Onewheel fulfills its purpose very well, I think.

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Now that I have both I don’t think I’m going to go back to the Pint, it’s kinda lack luster. It’s good if you gotta carry it around I guess


So Zach. When you say both do you mean a pint and an XR?

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Yeah, I traded away 2 of my eskates for them lol

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I’m sure you can see which is the favorite :joy:


Wanna trade that pint for something?!?

So do you enjoy mixing it up?

What boards are you riding these days in between these?

I love the look of the XR!!!


Depends what you got on offer lol, I’m open to it

Oh hell yeah, once the eskates are back up I’ll have something for every occasion

I have 3 eskates in the works, so I’m only on the XR at the moment

Thank you! I’m very proud of her