*SCAM ALERT* neoBOX open source Focbox variant (HW 4 and HW6 Design)

I find this interest to me. So I like to spend some of my time to work it. I have many worker in factory who also share idea me. Is not about money. My business keep my family happy with food and nice house so is ok.


Not exactly. It’s complicated.

The firmware (and any derivatives) are covered by GPL v3, which is a copyleft license.

The schematic (and any derivatives) are covered by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which is a copyleft license.

The VESC :tm: Tool source code (and any derivatives) are covered by GPL v3, which is a copyleft license.

The VESC trademark itself is covered under international trademark law and can only be used by @Trampa, but can be referenced. (For example: “based on VESC” or “compatible with VESC” is fair use, but calling something or describing it as “VESC” is not fair use)

So for example, you could edit the VESC Tool source code and remove all “VESC” references, inserting your own name, and recompile it and distribute that binary, so long as you also publish the source code for that binary.

You could make a hardware derivative of FOCBOX, but you’d have to publish the schematic ONLY, not the PCB or gerbers.

You could distribute the BLDC firmware but you’d have to publish the source code for any version you distribute.


So Neo there isn’t doing anything illegal as long as he publishes the schematics. Why can’t he release the gerber and PCB?
I don’t remember who are the big brains behind the OG focbox but I guess if they were to release their own ESC without Enertion name on it people will support it. Until then this is the next best thing.

He could release those as well, but is not required to. It would definitely be abnormal if he did. It’s not common to release that.


@Deodand and @Blasto maybe?

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Try @JohnnyMeduse :wink: but most of the groundwork was done by @blasto I just did the drinking and soldering


Don’t sell yourself short, drinking is one of the most important parts of hardware creation.


I not know is you design. Friend ask me to help for this esc because cannot getting anymore. Maybe we can working together for this?



For what it’s worth thank you guys. People see Potter’s head when they hear focbox but you science people made it possible just as much if not more.


I suggested to bring back the Focbox. If I would have wanted any other Vesc I would have gotten any other Vesc. Leave this man pls copy the focbox as is with whatever improvements he suggests …


Better yet, chime in as to which improvements are a good idea, and definitely cause alarm if you see a mistake being made :relaxed:


I don’t think you do this “not” for the money, as it is one of your side jobs now, building eskate parts.
If there isn’t any money to be made here, I don’t think you would do this as you don’t use the product yourself, so it has really no real benefit to you if you don’t make money in the long term.
I do appreciate all the new ideas you bring to this scene, and I hope the best of this project.


pretty bad choice of side job if he was all into it for the $$

there is this thing called passion too you know, not everyone expects a financial return out of his hobby


What would you say is his center of interest in this passion?

what made benjamin vedder create this awesome vesc and release the blueprints under a free licence ?

you know where im gettin at ?

designing and crafting things that others adore, its a thing that can have returns other than financial too


He wanted a reliable esc for his electric skateboard no? Because there wasn’t any at that time that allowed you to change all the settings.

Is not job for me. Is fun project I spending some time on. Is not for money. I no need do this for my company already make very successful for making car and design.


This is similar to the builder vs rider discussion. Some people here enjoy building more than riding and would keep on building even if they stopped riding. I personally have worked on projects that have in no way profited me just because it is fun and interesting. Jeff has the interest and access to tooling and knowledge to do it. Of course, it’s up to proof once the test units start rolling out. But at the moment I believe in Jeff and his goals.


@mmaner and @sender have pretty much said this before, and it totally stuck with me. Might just be the secret sauce behind them both being elite.