@jack.luis is referring to the power button, I assume. (A latching power button means, you press it to turn it on, then press it to turn it off) Momentary, you press it once. In our case, it should shut off after x time.
Small update on crashing these trucks at full speed with the impact on one side of the trucks…
So, a guy that is using the Savage1 trucks had a malfunction with his esc, and the board went full speed into a curb, or something. He purchased a new front truck assembly, then sent me the crashed set. Here are my findings after looking over everything…….
The hanger itself did not bend. I found .07mm, which would be fine
I did find that the pivot pin was bent about 10 degrees.
And the king was bent about 5 degrees.
It was such a hard hit that the hanger had to compress the bushings this much…
The last picture is where the king pin actually hit
Damn! That must have have been a very hard crash!
Lol they would have been hard to get out.
Hope the dude is ok!
So here is an attempt to fine tune the ride of the Savage trucks. I found the rear to be a little unresponsive with the barrel/barrel combo and a little to unstable at speed with the barrel/cone combo. I sanded this 90a Riptide Krank bushing to be in between a barrel and cone. So far it has stability at speed (I don’t ride faster than about 25mph) and decent carviness. The overall handling from the rear is neutral and predictable. Going to keep on playing with bushings over the weekend.
Might be worth consulting the oracle:
Not yet. I am gaining too much experience when I fail to achieve what I want. An interesting thing about bushings is you don’t always know what you really like until you have experienced many other set-ups you don’t like.
try flat washers for the boardside bushing?
I have. I generally like to use a cupped washer at the boardside position in the rear for the added stability and snappier feeling in rebound. I am going to try a 93a barrel/cone this weekend with a flat washer boardside to see how that feels.
If I wanted a set of these, how would I acquire them? I’ve got an LY Evo board I’m building, not sure if these would be to wide or tall for the deck… what’s the total axle length?
End to end about 358mm
think that would be way to wide for the deck, but these look awesome.
People have done far worse
Whatever u do dont inhale those bushing dust particles
The lesson I learned from that crash is dont use HFI on VESC FW 5.2
Bugger. Hope it didnt bust you up too bad dude!
R.I.P. to the beer I was carrying
Beer is best carried inside…not promoting riding and drinking though
idk what you mean. I was transporting a case a beer back to my friends spot… Anyways, Phils trucks are really nice. Imma post some pics later of how they look after approx. 500 miles of use in NYC