How about you install the ropes in the wheel first and then put them onto the gear drive?
The drive mounting plate sits adjacent to the wheel hub, it keeps the hub from splitting apart. I don’t think I can or should do that
Oh, im thinking of BN drives
If you’re using the 3d printed spacer I made, I can remake it with holes that line up with the hub gaps. That might work.
you could…
I’m not using any 3d printed spacer… what’s it for?
Hmm, if it’s possible with BN drives then maybe I should get those lol. I want to switch over to steel on steel eventually, since this is a jump board…
Are there any unused bolt holes on the adapter plate you could string a zip tie or rope through?
I was just thinking the same thing!
Yes, there are some. I guess I’ll try to find a thin rope…
Edit: wait, I just had an even bigger big brain idea – I can use the bolt spacers themselves as an anchor point! Then I can use a slightly thicker rope
I’m excited to see how it goes
I have seen people using cable ties around the tire in snow. Not sure how long that will hold if you hit stones or snow free asphalt.
I made a set of studded 8“ tires a while back. It’s a lot of work but does help to get grip riding on compressed snow, but they also do not last forever.
Just bigger tires doesn’t help too much if snow is getting deep. Also 4wd does have its limits.
I was riding last year in this deep snow and I couldn’t go further after 2-3m as snow did build up in front of the board.
I’ve been tossing around some ideas for a high-camber deck made from bamboo and some kind of fiber reinforcement. It would have very similar specs to what you’re looking for.
Already have a deck, thanks
So I tried the rope method around one of the wheels (tying it takes some creativity due to not being able to tie around the wheel spokes), and I ran out of rope for the 2nd wheel – but holy moly does it make a difference! No need for 9" wheels, this works great! I was faster than I would be on a bike
I’m convinced now that 4WD + the rope method will be enough for my needs. For the thick deep snow I’ll just buy one of @powertraverse’s electric snowboards once they come out
What screws did You use? How does it look from the inside? Wont the heads of the screws puncture tubes ,or did you secure heads with something, f.e. old tube?
I used rounded head SPAX screws. Inside there is a layer of flat metal tape and a layer of old bicycle tube. Did not have any issues with punctures of the tube. Even not when jumping.
That’s an impressive amount of protection. I like it . Do you remember length of the screw by any chance?
You probably could use bicycle tire line as well. Probably even better.
The screws where 9mm if remember right.
Will double check when I’m back home.
It’s a lot of fun, you should try putting skis on the front before doing 4wd for science
Thank you kind sir!
I’d love to, but I think that still won’t let me traverse deep snow, and besides, I want the traction so I can pull my friends & family on a sled behind me
The screws are 3x10mm just checked