That’s great news!
Although you said your posts here will lessen in frequency I hope you’ll still update us on this situation
That’s great news!
Although you said your posts here will lessen in frequency I hope you’ll still update us on this situation
I will bro, no problems
Can I ask why you are leaving?
It’s sad to see an old member go
Jesus don’t call him old while he’s already talking about going…
@Lee_Wright were you in on the testing batch? last I heard the first run of production neoboxes were still in production due to some part delay so it makes sense you would get them in two shipments… unless he told you in the last week or so that everything was coming in one box
Not old in that way
As in he’s been a member here for a long time
i dont think hes leaving i think hes taking a break from the public side of the forum.
i may be wrong.
I poured myself a double Canadian club and popped 2 ritalin to read the rest of this thread, I had tapped out long ago one chalking it up to cov19 cabin fever conspiracy theory (i.e. like the theory Bill Gates inventing covid in a lab in Denver to. A population control and B turn his 50 billion into 1 trillion selling vaccinations) . It’s clear he hasn’t been 100% upfront and our community has zero tolerance of shinanigans.
never heard of that guy…
Im not leaving, I have great friends on here and I love this community very much. Sometimes though I think its best for my own sanity not to post, I read a lot and follow the happenings. I chat a lot here, just not on the public side of the forum.
@Skatardude10 no im not in the testing batch. Anyways the issue is Jeff has told paypal my VESC6 were in the package with the Neohubs, this is so that paypal do not issue me a refund, close the case and then Jeff gets to carry on. If the VESC6 were in the package then no issue, but they are not. Hes even responded telling paypal specifically they are in that package as well as sticking the tracking number from the hubs package into the VESC case.
I look at his profile, I see
Last Seen Apr 30
I look at calendar and see 2020 May 13
And now I am 100% sure the answer is “do not buy from this vendor”
case closed, we can move on now
thanks @mmaner for exposing those things
I mean the man himself said not to order anything from him…
Placing an order at this point is kinda stupid.
Problem is, that’s buried 2774 posts deep
folks who have been considering purchasing from him can move on
those of us who paid and are waiting on goods will keep this thread going until there is some closure
So, other than the possible Jed-relations fiasco, was it only the tracking numbers not moving for a while - thus leading to PayPal disputes - that gave any indication that Jeff would NOT be shipping out products? Or did something else happen?
That’s what I’m lost on. I might’ve missed some drama.
My flaming-hot take (don’t hurt me): if I get what I pay for in the end, then lying to a multi-billion dollar company that fucks people over all the time doesn’t really bother me. Again, that’s IF the product gets properly delivered. God knows I’ve taken some stupid shortcuts in life.
@Luke (sorry to tag you) disappeared for months at a time, not responding to any form of contact. In the end, I got my product. Jeff has been gone for a couple weeks and people freak out, despite him still replying to e-mails.
To be clear, I’m NOT trying to diminish @Lee_Wright’s situation. If he doesn’t receive a VESC6, then that would be a bad, bad situation and I would 100% avoid Jeff.
But… honestly, I’m sitting here watching this play out, seeing more and more people receive their products during the worst time to be shipping stuff out of China… and I really want to buy a set (of hubs). So I’m gonna continue to keep an eye out.
If you buy anything from Jeff at this point you deserve what you get, or don’t…
maybe preorder a Jed board while your at it.
I’m more and more of the opinion that they’re a lot closer than has been ousted with proof and I feel this is likely why he isn’t here and not because we were mean, boo hoo.
Well fuck