Rideneo - Vendor ID Discussion

I mean it’s still kind of new. They mostly work fine, I would imagine they might iterate eventually

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I also think Trampa has some cool stuff in the works.


Yup. Seem to be always coming up with new versions.


And Neo’s 20s drv-free dual.

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Jeff I was a huge Enertion fanboy, and was watching all the production updates, etc., when you suddenly fell out of the sky with your unicorn ESC. Big Blasto fan too, for his occasional wtf cool shit he made, and drv wizard.

Really excited about what you’ve been up to, and am really REALLY glad you found a way to stay in the scene.

Really have to thank @Trampa for getting all you guys together. Never would have thought.


Where can I learn more about QC processes for the sort of electronics we use? I want test jigs and methodologies and shit, always on the hunt to learn

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MakerX is working on a 20S 100A controller, but there’s been no details on any sort of release date, the product has been on the website for preorder for months


But is their something bad or wrong doing that?
Alot people wanted focbox back and no one makes them and so far the test result seems good: NeoBox Testing Results V6 (serious)

He also made a 3 shunt version of it.
Sure maybe not great engineering or designing new stuff like you do. But I still think its great what he done.


This is one good point, I hope this whole neobox situation isn’t slipping away into nothingness. Hopefully, Jeff is a liar but not a thief.
We need a W boys.


judging @jeffwuneo on actions not suspicions - my hubs are out for delivery today :slight_smile:


No discovered lie is without consequence, were you gunning for a non sequitur? Because that’s a dandy.

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Heil Wan!

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Don’t think there is anything wrong with it at all. As I said its a part of the market that needs to be filled. I think it should be considered as another intangible value proposition when you buy e-skate tech though. Are the people behind the project developing cutting edge new stuff, or is it more of a copy? This is also not black and white there is whole sliding scale so it will be on a per-product basis. But I will say if you are excited about people bringing new stuff then its always good to buy from them if you are able.

So far I don’t think anything Jeff Wu has done is more exciting than flipsky because its still early days for his operation, I think the stuff he has promised is though. So I guess that is where the excitement is. If his new controller shows to be super reliable when/if it is supplied in large quantity then that would change my mind to some degree.


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Shall we lock this thread @BillGordon @mmaner I think we’ve resolved the main topic now and it’s almost as toxic as vendors lying to us and the rest of the forum accepting it because they want medium priced unoriginal focbox clones :+1:


But Brent, what about the drama?!


i believe the modus operandi has been to close sales threads others are to remain open. happy to be wrong and make adjustments accordingly.


That’s the policy alright. + it’s much better to have this thread open, than risk new ones without all the information popping up.


I gotta ask what the risk is? Has this thread coat you something personally?

We risk people chiming in with their opinions that were formed without knowing all the facts :slight_smile: Bumping this thread, getting people to see it -> smarter purchasing decisions.