Hey he’s kinda got a point tho
Hey @tech.shit .
I’m sry you’ve run into a lot of aholes.
Sry you’re seeing the worst in some guys buying the lacroix brand.
Try to take a step back tho and don’t let the retorts to that get under your skin. could use some descalation in here so we don’t continue dumpster fire, I think you can help.
My time to shine!
Still better than in 2018/19 when Enertion was failing, unities were being delayed upon delayed, lies were being told (did anyone ever get that 110% money back guarantee ) , people weren’t getting payed…
Then Jeff brought the Unity V2 (2nity) AKA Stormcore to Lacroix…
"Not Australian anymore.
Different company than the one from Melbourne. Different owners. Different ideals.
We can get they’re not at all concerned anymore with building products that can withstand Australian conditions.
This is a desperate cash grab from a couple losers."
@tech.shit, perhaps it’s time again to get your shit together
I met up with eboardstuff last year. Drove to their house and bought an anodizing setup they were using to dye their raw CNC’d eboard bumpers. He gave me a good deal and wasn’t an asshole. He also donated a huge bag of ingens 100mm wheels to the Clemson estate club so can’t really say anything bad about the guy…at all. He also offered to help me out with anything I needed down the line on the anodizing process as it can be a learning process to get consistent results.
How have you been making out with the home anodizing? I’ve been doing some YouTube deep dives on it lately. You should make a thread on your endeavors if you haven’t yet
Idk, im also not entirely keen in the idea of necromancing a company thats already gone bust, id think it leaves a bad taste for people with good and bad experiences with the prior company?
It is nice to know that they are already kind of in the market, even if it is just resale, ill take more manufacturers of parts as long as theyre good.
Most people here have more money and ride harder than me, so if itll live up to the forums abuse, idk if they need to be on the forum really.
Trampa is on the forum, they still havent updated their site in how long? Being on the forum isnt a failsafe. Imo being on the forum just builds up initial good will which in turn makes people more accepting as shit goes tits up, and then exponentially more mad when theres no more excuses to be made.
Also wouldnt mind an anodizing thread as i have also been looking into it recently
Wow, some real die hard fanatics on here with opinions about motivations. Businesses have to make money to survive, because people run businesses to afford things like food and their own housing. This happens for any business.
I am sure we will find out how they fare in the near future.
Someone could invite them to the forum here, I am sure they would appreciate it. Getting in touch with the fans of the product would be a good move for them.
I welcome the additional vendors, and will be cautious of the new business direction - they will survive or fail based on their merits, I am sure we will vote with our wallets.
That’s all I wanted to say.
I am interested to hear from the new owners what their motivation was to buy Lacroix.
They have been summoned
Hey! I believe I was summoned here…
Hi @Adamvos, welcome to the forum. We’re a bunch of diehard turbonerds that like to build skateboards and go fast.
I’d love to hear a little about why you wanted to bring lacroix back to the market, and any future plans you’d be willing to share. Cheers!
Absolutely! A little bit of background first. Jesse and I have been into esk8 since about 2016/2017. We met through Reddit and when Boosted went under, we started selling parts under The Boosted Guys. We started the company to make parts more accessible for the community, that grew and we did well, so we expanded and purchased eBoardStuff when the owner was selling, made new parts, expanded the brand, so on. That went well too but we weren’t satisfied, we wanted our own board, not just selling parts. A friend of ours shared a post with us that Lacroix was going out of business and it was kind of a funny joke to Jesse and I that we said to each other “lets buy that next!”. With 0 expectation of purchasing Lacroix, we messaged them in October of 2023 and somehow or another, it just kept getting more and more serious. but we never got our hopes up. Fast forward a few months ago and I’m literally driving to Canada to load the inventory onto a freight truck, got to meet Alex, and then drove home the next week. And now we’re here…
We saw an opportunity to build our dreams of having our own board and bring back a company that deserves to be revived. We both loved what Lacroix was doing and what they stood for. So we’re here to try our absolute best at making the best board on the market.
So, good time to ask. Chi battery again? The LaCroix batteries were very unreliable and chi has a pretty bad reputation as they make some sketchy batteries.
At the moment, that will be our main battery supplier, however changes will be made to make sure these issues are addressed.
Good luck!
With options like the Radium Mach One and the new offering coming soon from Newbee, the Lacroix boards are starting to look very dated.
Hope you have some cool tricks up your sleeve and look forward to seeing the next chapter of Lacroix!
Thank you, we have plans for the future but right now we want to focus on perfecting before we generate a new product.
may i recommend talking with godsteramps out of ny? they’re on the east coast and do good, reliable work.
We’ll take a look, thanks for the recommendation!