Return of Lacroix

You’re being an asshole for no reason.

You know absolutely nothing about these guys.

Esk8 is not a cash grab. It is money burning pile. People tend to start esk8 businesses because they have passion, not a desire for riches.

Your life will be better if you don’t always assume the worst in people for absolutely no reason.

Also, Lacroix didn’t have a great reputation. Their ESCs had questionable reliability and their customer service was a joke.

I’m stoked to see lacroix return under new ownership and wish them luck. I hope they can build a successful business and avoid the mistakes that lacroix made.


The IP has value and Lacroix wanted to sell the it. All the design files, trademarks, supplier networks, existing stock/parts.

It’s not uncommon. People buy and sell businesses everyday.


They are gonna bring Stormcore back so just give up hope that they won’t bring it back now :man_shrugging:they plan to bring lacroix back as a whole

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look at deez nutz


Oh, really, Mr. Shit? :thinking: What makes you think that about them? They have helped the Boosted community a good amount after Boosted went under, which leads me to believe they aren’t in it just for a desperate cash grab. It’s possible they got involved because they themselves were LaCroix owners. I know that was their story with Boosted they owned Boosteds and wanted to get help for their own boards, which led them to start Boosted Guys.


Yep, that I will say. They spent a good chunk of money north of $50K for the patents and designs. They also acquired the remaining stock of parts as well, from what I know. They have even mentioned this to customers who are looking for parts.


What so are you saying they are an Euc company shiii than it’s made in china now :thinking:wait are you made in china hmm idk that theory don’t add up the math ain’t mathing bud​:man_shrugging:

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Yep, Alex bought land and built a huge house/ranch called Montcalm Flow Ranch. That’s where he used the harpoon winch and why it was created. He also made part of the home into the factory where all the boards were produced. The decks were made locally by Zenit Boards, a Canadian longboarding company!


Hey Fess So No. Boosted USA is owned by Brian Schwarz and Cali Kites, along with a business partner based out of San Francisco, California. They have nothing to do with Adam and Jesse, the owners of Boosted Guys. Adam and Jesse from Boosted Guys are based out of South Carolina, and now LaCroix will also be based out of South Carolina. The dude who took first at eSk8 Con 1 was actually an associate of Boosted USA/Brian, named Andrew.


This. 100% this.


Thanks for the info.


You ASSUME it’s for no reason.

In my experience 99% of people are shit, it’s just a few gems out there that make society worth being in.

Humans are greedy, destructive and selfish by nature.


Ohh Mann You shouldn’t be talking about yourself that wayyy

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


Wait so by that logic if I stepped in shit in the morning I stepped in shit but if I keep stepping in shit I’m an idiot gottt it :joy: :joy:


That’s why I ride so I don’t walk into shit I ride into it lol :joy:

insert esk8 news ‘days without a dumpster fire’ meme here


It’s fux news sir :joy::ok_hand:

Don’t forget LaCroix were also doing efoils and back-country ski winches, harpoon I think that was called. They weren’t just E-skate.

I’m not going to defend LaCroix too much though, after owning a Lonestar SS for a couple years there are many things I would have done differently myself to make the board more robust.

