Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Excellent! I wish that was more mainstream in America.

Kids who do part time school, part time apprenticeship are often perceived as less educated or blue collar workers :confused:

The reality is that you get so much more experience working hands on with someone in that field.


I am a professional engineer.
On my first job, the owner of the company sent me to work as a helper for 2 months in the manufacturing floor.
One of the best things that ever happened in my career.


Don’t have jb weld on me, i’m still in the middle of nowhere :stuck_out_tongue:


This is so fucking hard to find for internships. I had to turn down four offers from pretty otherwise reasonable companies simply because I was going to have absolutely no interaction with anything I was “working on”

And, in general - I think there’s a reason for it. Most mechanical engineers are perfectly fine crunching numbers and bullshit at a desk all day, every day, for fuckin life. Don’t understand how you can do that without wanting to blow brains out.

Then you have to filter through the few internships who are really just after an educated mech E to be an underpaid floor monkey for a little while. I settled a bit for what I just did my co-op with - but being in San Diego for 7 months was mostly worth it.

How long after college did you get your prof license? Having a hard time deciding if I want to go that route


You should try to buy a cheap TIG and learn with YouTube if you are really interested.

I learned by watching my wife’s uncle, I am far from @taz level but i welded part of the structure of my workshop’s roof. My welds can be improved but they hold.


It gets better. I dropped my vx1 from waist height on grass/mud. Now i can’t drive anymore because the thumbwheel doesn’t work. The vesc just receives a constant braking signal. Metrs ppm calibration doesn’t open.

Maybe i can try the mobile vesc tool


You probably broke the small piece connecting the thumbwheel to the PCB. I did this to a Hoyt Puck which they promptly replaced


The german dual system is unique in the world. and btw. 1200$ wage :+1:


I am in Greece so the procedure is different to the US.
To become a professional engineer it takes 5 years minimum in the university which leads to an engineering diploma equivalent to a master’s degree. Then you can immediately apply for you exams to get your license.
After that there is national legislation that requires extra years of experience in specific fields to sign for certain kind of stuff.


Ahhh. Yeah, we just have an exam after 4 year bachelor’s and then some every other year stuff we have to do to keep cert’d I think


There is another engineering degree which you can get from technical institutions after four years of study but they don’t have all of the rights we do.


Finally at Home. Took only 1.5 hours for 20km…

Luckily it seems to just be the red wire that disconnected.

Will report back after soldering it on again.


On a budget you should consider the mini remote, it just works.


Got any conformal coating? I doubt it does much but I like to think of it as another layer of ‘hold in place’ protection :joy:

Not to mention if water got in there it would be real easy for it to go wonky


No i only have Hotglue and Electrical Tape :joy:


Epoxy them all (up to some of the wire insulation) to the case (rough the case up a bit) so this doesn’t happen again

Also, carry screwdrivers and tape with you haha. Could’ve opened up, stripped wire with your teeth, taped to the solder joint, and carefully and slowly skated home.

@Skunk came out of literal fuckin nowhere and saved me on the side of the road after my remote trolled me & I was caught without a screw driver


Well it was my fault. I always have the wrist strap on because i sometimes just let the remote go when i use my phone for example. I was taking a small brake and i already took the strap off but still held the remote until i…dropped it.

Screwdriver is next. I basically have everything on me.
Flashlight, extra battery, pump, extra bearing, stuff to fix a flat, hex keys, a tea bag, 1 extra shockblock, extra belts, a 3d printed nut tool and 1 extra loop key :sweat_smile:


lol when i own an esk8 i bet that will happen alot to me :rofl:

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With my next build Im really aiming for only having to carry a T tool, small screwdriver and an hex key on me… I hate playing guessing games with hardware and tool sizes because im too scatterbrained to remember exactly what size tool is applicable for a certain section of my board

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Just buy all dis

This is also a sweet combo