Not a bad idea tbh.
if the drivetrain can take a beating for 3 years and still function like normal, then 638 is just gonna keep it unbreakable. if it does fail after however many years later, u got ur money’s worth already
YES so nice @glyphiks @rosco this boy got mad skills
@PedroMcJimenez your glass inlay frit is fucking awesome
can’t wait for your moonshine
Yep he did goooood
I actually am kinda friends with meepo, I was one of the earliest customers and could potentially get a shipment of these. If there is interest I’ll ask Kieran
Oh for sure!
Improvements i would like to see:
thicker wires
temp sensor (or wire [?] since “T” is already on the sensor pcb)
better phase wire insulation (or better wires in general as they’re pretty stiff)
Can you create a poll I suck @xsynatic I would be down for a set plus extra sleeves and a rear motor truck
And what ever you guys decide on
Oh my
Want me to make a GB post?
First let’s see if he can get some estimates and what the QC would be
did you dm him or should I?
Yeah hence the GB post or rather interest gauging so we can negotiate better if we have numbers. Well or better to wait until Ben contacted Kieran before we ask everyone is they want and meepo says no in general
whatever you prefer.
Well i was about to go to bed I’ll do it in the morning. It’s 2:44am for me, 1:44 for Ben so either way he’s probably asleep by now.
Yes I forget sounds good
I want one was that hard looks fucking cool
Wasn’t hard to do at all. Spent maybe $8 total, not including a small lipo that I had lying around. Took less than an hour to do.
I can definitely put together a short DIY thread with some more deets.
Please do I and the Forum would love to read that thread
Super nice build
So Fresh So Clean
Yes I just saw that good eyes I need to go to bed