A fellow Nole forum dweller?
Good looking and fitting enclosure for that deck. Got a link?
Interesting griptape, did you do it or where did you get it?
Also, that deck
Yeah what’s that deck?
That’s what I suspected but it looks shorter or is it my eyes. .?
Hard to say, it is not easy to see on picture.
There’s a build thread
Redember 44 confirmed
Lol I should look at build thread more
Correct, took the Puck thumb wheel stl and added a trigger to it.
Premium Select Heavy Weight Fiberglass Cloth, 24 Oz. Woven Roving, 25" x 72" (2 Yards) 12.5 Sq.Ft. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N2ZP8J4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_A0BEV7VYWKTV81C0B4HQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here ya go
They do fold it strangely, and it screws with the weave; so you can only get about 1-2 decks worth from it.
That is thicc af, nice
Soaked up the epoxy nice. Really like the texture of it on the board so far
I had it cut
Is it still summer 2020?
me too. is there an .stl?
I can allready see salt and grime collecting in those cavities.
On dry run though, really neat solution.
lol not surprising, gonna have to start watermarking photos
Are those inrunners, and how are they treating you?