Been doing a couple longer rides with comparing the XR and funwheel back-to-back. 8 miles one day starting at 80% battery and ending at 10%. And another 4 at lunch today.
Tempted to crack it open, but i just got it working pretty well!
Key for me was to reduce the motor current to ~50A and increase the FOC time constant to 2000-3000us. I had motor current at like 80A and I think the motor would saturate(?) and give me clicking and inconstant torque especially at hard braking or very slow speeds going over a bump.
Did you use the motor wizard? I have heard multiple instances of people having exactly those problem after using e-bike (6kg) hub motor for the Phub 188. Clicking during braking and overcurrent errors.
Solution was using the 2kg outrunner as base.
Personally I do the manual motor detection on my hoverboard motors. The wizard has given me 18wh consumption and bad performance. The manual motor detection gives me 11wh consumption and good performance.
I yeah true I did do the motor wizard with the ebike hub, but then later was trying the manual detection as well as messing with they params directly. I made it worse before it got better, vesc tool is a bit of a learning curve.
Nice stats.
Whats your topspeed with load? And this is just stock pei?
Im in between different motor designs. Would you guys rather have a bittt more torque and sacrifice a little topspeed?
I have not tried the HFI, as far as I could tell from reading, hall effect sensors still win over HFI for the balance applicaiton, but it is a excellent option for skateboards without any sensors.
Thats true. I read through the github hall effect filter. I thought if you have to add more filter samples, maybe you get less errors with HFI. There was also a statment that the sensor data only comes every 60°. Consider the revolutions of a big wheel, probably software solution is more accurate. But i will keep this vesc code filter in mind!