Raptor owners scavenge grounds

That sir is the truth, i must be lucky but damn i sure do have to put in work before using them if you catch my drift

I do not.

What work? Are you glueing them? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On that note, Buying any Sleeves made of the Super soft Compund (alumimum plated)

I’m in California. Thanks!

How can we tell which are the super soft compound? Aluminum plated? I have a set of new 90mm that is my LAST resort but don’t want to use them if it starts to chip/crack like my current setup. I’m gluing them with gorilla glue and not trying to ride on really rough pavements.

Mate if your in california, you best stick with hard compunds. I hope not LA… those roads are brutal

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California is HUGE :wink: but yes most city streets are bad, but there are new pavements here and there so I’ll survive (just not with these Raptor 2 wheels/tires). I also have some used 97s and they do seem to hold up better than my current 90mms. Do you have pictures of your tires’ conditions after so many miles on them? Where are you riding mostly?

I found 2 pairs of sleeves, that are plated on the inside.

I’m not sure if they are enertion as it doesn’t say anything

pics? so the wheel is not really flexible at all? I’m trying to imagine where the plates are located. I think the weak spots starts from the HARD EDGE of those wheels. If we can file them or sand them to rounded edges, it will not have large deep cuts like mine have developed.

I will post pics later.
Will sell em for like 30 euros a set
As I don’t have raptor hubs Anymore

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wonder how much does it cost to ship to USA?

no idea i’m tryin’a forget the whole shitty episode
I’m super busy trying to makin an artist career

jason potter can go sell tea for all I care


Are you still facing issues with the configurations?

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Anyone need any hubs? Found these in a box while unpacking.
I was going to create some kind of fruit cannon with them. 80mm conduit with a hub on either side at 30000rpm, then drop an apple in and aim for passing aircraft.

If anyone has a need greater than this let me know.


yeah, i never figured it out and sold my board today to someone who i described the issues to. i’m moving and have to fly my stuff but wish i could have figured out the problem. without specific tools and stuff didn’t feel like i had a chance. didn’t see the last three responses to me here until today.

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I can relate to you dude! Totally!

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I would very much like to buy everything you have there PM me.


If the board is always on, can’t it be because of a broken BMS? My board is also always on (when i turn it off the blue light goes off but still shows 0%), but I have a broken BMS. DOes that mean my anti spark is broken too? Sorry I’m a noob in all of this.

No way to keep the original screen and switch?

One or the other, or possibly both