Raptor owners scavenge grounds

Does your switch still plugged into the BMS or plugged directrly in the Focbox?

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Sounds like the anti-spark - if water damage. You can check by plugging in the Xt60’s to see if it sparks.

other otption is that your power swtch is broken (check the connections on both ends one cable might just need sodering/recrimping)

How exactly do you glue them? Got any photos by any chance?

Got wheels to sell by any chance? :slight_smile:

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wow you guys still at it
gently disappears back into the sewers


Yep, they’re worth nothing to sell and so far my motors and sleeves are holding up. Just trying to stack up in case they don’t.

My Raptor is a rare 2.05. I’m part of a Raptor 2.0 batch that got lost in transit, over many months, so to make it up to us Jason fitted the 2.1 motors (but they still go on an axle with a nut, weirdly).

I had to change the anti spark, still looking to change the BMS before it fucks up my battery. Board is working fine but doesn’t have the punch it used to have, even at full charge. Don’t exactly know why.

I also have a spare Unity. Should I replace the two focboxes with it and if yes, what would I gain?


Sorry bro @cfelzien is taking most of them he’s a hoarding bitch :kissing_heart:


No leave the focboxs in there. The other difference is also in “e-tray”. So the nothing lines up better than it is now. Pm me if you need some wheels.


I removed them and used GORILLA Glue or E6000. Make sure the big cracked surfaces are clean and no dust/residue so the glue can really bite and settle. I use those since they are flexible and acts a bit like rubber along with the clamp. Curing time is 1-2 days before reinstalling. Good luck!

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What anti spark did you replace it with? I am looking for one that will fit inside the box.

This one: 180A antispark switch – ElectricBoardSolutions

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Hey There

Have you tried checking the values which you put in while programming your FOCBOXes? As per my experience, I have this issue with some of the boards which I have to fix manually. If you want I can help you with the programming.

Oh carl! The greatest Enertion employee there ever was. Good to hear from you man. You helped me a few times in the past.

Which issue are you talking about? I never programmed or touched the focboxes since I received my Raptor. Still out of the box settings. I should have had?

Sorry for the delayed response, I was out of the scene lately. Have you got your issue fixed already?

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Thanks Bill. Got a bunch of second hand motors, mostly just have failed sensors. Located Brisbane Australia and am sick of looking at them. Honestly trying to polish those turds of boards killed my enthusiasm for this sport for years.


Yea I’m confused why mine is still holding up after 5 years. Lucky batch I guess.

Yep, antispark replaced.

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I have the Deck only

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