Hey guys, does anyone know of anyone with a spare R2 motor or where i can get one? T.I.A.
Lol I have 2 sets
Hi bro-
Updated your account so you can post freely and message. Welcome!
Thanks mate, i think he just sold his last ones but i’ll ask him. He had my dead unity too. RIP
@BillGordon thanks dude
@mikenyc they do look pretty sweet. I’ll shoot you a P.M.
I have design files from Enertion for the two internal parts of the wheel but because I am a new member I can not upload for you. Use nylon with 20% glass fiber.
Hi Leon-
Your account is bumped, so you can post and message freely. Welcome!
Thanks for the notice, Prince Humbert!
We plan to change for this design so can attach better to motor.
Looking for Any Raptor Hub Outwheels , and front wheels (97mm prefered not limited too). if anyone has spare/used/worn/ - nearly trashed. Please PM me.
Addtionally looking for suggestions on Horizontal Wall racks that can hold the Raptors weight. 2-3 Decks total if anyone has suggestions there.
Explain what you just said.
Hahahahaha wrong thread
Man oh man… Can’t wait for a new functional urethane wheel for my raptor 2.1 (90mm 97mm I will take anything so I can board again.)
Great if the new wheel incorporates cooling for the hub motor.
Thanx for the ones looking into this and helping us out.
(SOLD!) Just posted my partially-complete board for sale. Hopefully I’ve got the price right and somebody can benefit from having the board as-is, but can part-out the board if that’s what people prefer.
Thanks dude!
No problem…I will pull mine. GLWS!
Hey man I bet thiers lots of people who have no clue about this forum, I bet if you made a youtube video lots would need wheels ill buy 3 as i got the worst of it buying last year just found out and im still on my original thane so im terrified rn as i spent 2.3k like all the many raptor 2 buyers