random CAD Dump update 4/7/21

edit: added some stuff.


Damn these are so good, especially like the decks. How are you designing those?

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depends on the deck. the overall shape is fairly easy to get but getting the concave to match up is very difficult. especially if I don’t own the deck.

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What are the basic steps you took to get there if you don’t mind me asking? Know of some good tutorials?
I recently designed my own board (similar to demonseed) in fusion which doesn’t look anywhere as nice. I was lucky enough to get it made though. Working on designing the improved version now.

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modeling sweeps and curved objects is tough to start with. Generally it comes down to cutting it into slices where you can direct it.

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get a good top view and side view of the board.
sketch one quarter of the board from the topview sketch.

extrude the sketch to the required thickness.
realign the extruded body. I find it to be easier to center/align the extrusion then to do it with the sketch/canvas. this is just my way of doing things.

mirror on x/y axies.

this body is just for the purpose of getting the basic shape of the board and for getting it perfectly aligned.
create form is what I used to get the concave for the deck.
make sure you have several images of the board from multiple sides so you can get a better idea of what the concave of the deck should be like. I own this deck so I had it in front of me to measure and I was constantly rotating it around in my hands to get the shape right. the create form tool is kinda difficult to use I’d recommend watching a video on youtube. it really helps.

thicken it then cut it using the face of the flat body from earlier. I use intersect for this.


Cool. I got much to learn. thanks.


@SpeedDemon any chance you can do step export of FSESC4.20 single?
Have looked how to convert and i need F360, real pain in the but. Weird how inventor cant import f3d

FSESC 4.2 50A Single v7.step (409.3 KB)


Wow, that was quick. Much appreciated mate :+1:

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That’s intense, thanks for posting.

Modeling organic shapes like boards is beyond me still. Someday, maybe. :+1:


Everything can be made simple within the bounds of reason

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I’ll have a few months of no land to skate, my laptop, and so much time, that I’ll either come back with plans to fly and foil, or it’s open season in the “engineering 101, no stupid questions” post I’ll likely make (for me to ask stupid questions).


Well, damn. I bet I could use the same thread…

Couple of other threads I have been needing of


You spell “loft” funny

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There’s a youtube video “how to model a shoe” or something like that. Watch that video if you can successfully replicate the results then you should be able to make almost any organic shape.


Funny I was about to respond to @jack.luis saying something about how I tried to learn a big new scary design program like bender but I got scared.

This the vid?


This is it Modeling a Shoe in Fusion 360 - YouTube


I remember having to make a shoe in my HighSchool CADA class, wasnt fun lol


It should be much easier in blender since that program is designed for organic modeling and sculpting. Cad programs are way more difficult when it comes to making organic shapes but they have the benifit of being very accurate. You’d have a lot of trouble making something functional with blender because you can’t measure tolerances/scale in bender(that I know of)

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