Thanks for your answer. I thought the bolt on pulleys would avoid the strain on the wheel core by transmitting the tension in the following path : metal plate->bolt->pulley.
Lets suppose dickyho makes pulley with M4 bolts. Will this make his pulleys the best option?
Save yourself a lot of headaches and just skip straight to extended axles and pressfit pulleys. The bolt-on pulleys are a bitch to get aligned perfectly, they tend to loosen when you ride and they definitely lead to more damaged wheels when compared to pressfit pulleys riding on an extra bearing. I asked Dicky a while back if he had plans to rework the Abec pulleys because his newer Kegel pulleys are pretty nice and he said he did not. Even if they utilized a smaller bolt, those bolts would not fit the contours of the wheel core as well as a properly designed pressfit will.
Ok thank you. I already ordered the cloudwheel pulleys
Forgot to ask you. What’s the standard length of the extended axles? Thank you
I don’t think there is a specific standard. I have had success running pressfit pulleys on Boardnamics 220s and 184s without modification. I also run them on Torqueboards Precision hangers, but that only worked after I ordered extended axles as an upgrade. Pressfits will also work on E Calibers and TB 218s without modification. You can make Caliber IIs work but it requires cutting off some of the excess material from the hanger to expose more of the axle (ie. cut Calibers). Specific pulleys may require slightly more or less axle. For example, I have read that BKB pulleys work on Caliber IIs without modification.
What trucks/hangers are you planning to attach your Cloudwheels to?
Thank you for detailed answer.
I’m planning to use this cheap truck.
What do you think? Can we assume that 4.9cm axle is the minimal length for a press fit pulley with bearing
Round trucks no good. Are you welding a mount?
What Quinn said. Paris clones are going to make securing the motor mounts a serious hassle.
Nope. But i can ask check if there is a welder in my neighborhood.
I have 2 dickyho motor mounts and two 6374 motor . Not secure??
under lower power you should be ok, use loctite
There is always JB weld.
It’s not the prettiest solution and once you do it, forget about adjustability. However, after you dial in your setup, if the motor torque is causing your mounts to move on the hanger, you can lock them in place with a liberal application of two-part JB weld.
Caliber 2 axles are 33mm
E caliber 2 axles are 47mm
TB axles are 47mm
3D servases use 50mm axles
You need About a extra 15mm ish
Ok Will test it. Thank you
Is it risky to fill this 50mm (10mm diameter) tube, with 2 part JB weld epoxy and insert it into a 34mm, 8mm axle, in order to extend it?
The biggest risk I see here is that it has FUB markings on it. Will it really be 8mm and 10mm? Who knows
I’d use West System 650 epoxy for that
I exspect it to feel bad under foot there’s a big difrence from cast to cnc trucks just because of the tiniest amount of play in the material and precision Epoxi would be a mutch more notisable difrence
maybe there could be a shim so it gets hammered on extremely tight, also jkweld
I used jbweld for mounts on my dual 6374 setup on these cheap extended axle Paris clone trucks, and two sets failed at the same point, the pivot cracked completely through on the rear truck. They are for very light duty only. IMG_2956|375x500
Can someone please explain me why are push fit pulleys better and how the heck doesn’t your wheel just come off it?