Push assist/Endless mode, let's talk about it!

So you are saying this is a hoax? I really didn’t dig deep here, but to me it seems like this isn’t preorder anymore, correct me if I am wrong.
I saw the board and the founders in a German start up tv show a few months ago, there it worked fine. They also won some design awards or something. Also I don’t see why any of that shouldn’t work. It is obvious that the board won’t have crazy acceleration or range and that the remote won’t last for ages. So what? It is stealthy as fuck, that’s what matters here.


I get that form factor is important to you, but a board made from 4/8 cells is going to be so brutally underpowered it would be like riding an analog board with super terrible brakes. There’s a reason boards with considerable stopping power have larger battery packs, or are specifically made with batteries that can withstand the abuse they take, or use a smart gearing ratio to help accommodate.

I’m not really trying to argue with you, I’m trying to get you to see it’s a fucked sham.

Waste your money, I don’t really care :man_shrugging:t2:

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I am not even close to buying it, mostly because I am into electric AT boards exclusively (I ride a regular longboard, don’t feel the need to electrify it) but also because it is way too expensive.

But I still get the benefits of this system and what it is made for.
It is

  • as stealthy as it gets (you know that there are countries where esk8 are illegal on public roads or in general?)
  • super lightweight
  • has 100% freewheel

So basically this is a normal longboard that can be used as such, with the awesome benefit that you can go ~8km fully electric with it and that you always have decent brakes without ruining your shoes, even if the small battery already died obviously.

This isn’t your average esk8 with dual 6374 motors and 12s5p 30q battery. It doesn’t try to, it doesn’t have the same purpose.

Did you see this video on YouTube? It works well, obviously range is limited and you need to push to start for maximum range. But it is fast and generally just awesome if you see it as an upgraded longboard and not as a high performance esk8.


Ok dude :+1:

Watched some of that youtube. I’m digging it!


I watched the video and I’m pretty impressed. It seems the tester guy, forget his name, broke the baseplate n esc he says at 6min and he losses reception easily but he did point out it’s really cool unique qualities and he likes it a lot anyway. He likes them all probably! I like it for what it is. If it fits ur route and ur not needing race car performance it’s light

The motor is pretty hollow and not much wire but does look to be like ours w magnets(pretty thin) and iron. It’s slotless not slotted only difference n that’s how it has the roll as easy as regular wheel. (Will do j and b today for sure!)

The electric connection from baseplate to hanger is cool. Sounds rough n w rattles who knows where.


Originally I just wanted to point out that small ring remote. I like the form factor for a stealthy build.


I think this would be a good if it supported charging my while riding. If it could come with two “power banks” that would clip on top of the trucks.

it’s not vapourware, it’s just very lacking and extremely expensive at this point of time due to the amount of crazy engineering and effort they put into it. The price will only come down slightly when China starts knocking off their work - only a matter of when, and not if. like a honey badger.


Stumbled across this not very helpful video.

That rolling resistance looks nice. I’m not familiar with geared direct hub


nice! do direct drives roll without resistance as well? Still wondering how JayKay achieves that 100% no rolling resistance. Some sort of magic going on.

One way bearing + gear reduction in between hub motor and wheel?

@spade I’m sure lots of physicists would be interested in something with 0 rolling resistance. It probably just has to do with the ultra low power hubs.


Perhaps? 22mph top soeed for low powered device ain’t too shabby

Yeah I didn’t make it clear that’s just my complete guess from the way it looks/sounds.

There has probably some documentation on it somewhere

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If they lost 22 mph top speed, im guessing it’s more like 16 for people. That doesn’t include a heavier rider, wind speed or hills

I still cant describe the joy of zipping around on good longboard wheels with ceramic bearings and absolutely zero resistance… ride quality unmatched


Just saw this mellow on FB. Good deal if you really want endless mode. Thing hasn’t even been ridden enough to unlock the fastest mode. Located in New York


Bump! With all the sexy firmware development between Ben, @Blasto, @Deodand, etc… just want to ping this feature into your heads…

PID no acceleration is nice, but a mode with a setting that you can tune to set a value that will juuuuuust barely make your board move (or just barely below the threshold of not moving) to make kick pushing effortless, then kick up to a speed easy, ESC loosely holds top speed for a bit, and maybe some values to tune the ramping back down to the coasting value from the start automatically… with braking on the remote only… would be an awesome feature.

For long range rides this would be a sweet way to extend range a ton. I squeezed like 4x the range out of my board when gently kicking with PID no acceleration and the option to have it be a bit more of a workout was a nice plus as well.


PID no acc. is cool! Just tested it the first time and it´s sad that it isn´t implemented in the original Vesc Tool to play around with it…
Would be nice to get this mode going, as it looks like lot´s of people are still interested.
Later on we could fine tune it to get a Mellow-like mode


Got this other thread going too, was trying to keep it simple.