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I’m going to Vilnius next weekend and looking for good longboarding routes in Lithuania. (Visiting friends who don’t esk8, just analog) Any recommendations? @Murloc992 @Komamtb @Kug3lis Who else was Lithuanian? :sweat_smile:


This weekend or the next one?

We could arrange a ride with the local crew in Vilnius. :smiley:

Shoot me a PM. :stuck_out_tongue:

(@Komamtb is from Kaunas, @Kug3lis is in Japan)

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Next weekend, not this one, but I kinda don’t have “my own” board at the moment :sweat_smile: Building takes time :sweat:

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I might have a board for you. I have three.

I have a problem


Next weekend sounds fine, shoot a PM!


i dont know what kind of bullshit the lingyi esc run on but they work sensored without sensor connected

I wonder if anyone had their ESC blow up as a result of the sensor cable getting pulled out while running.

I had a weird accident last week. I changed my drive; installed the long xtla mounts, which put my motors further away from the ESC and there was almost no slack in the sensor cables. Then while testing the setup, as I turned, that put one of the motors even further from the ESC and the sensor cable got disconnected; also the solder joint on the 5V wire broke.

The VESC shut down and I wasn’t able to start it again. So I opened the board to find out the battery fuse has blown. That was a bit unexpected. I measured the continuity on the VESC input to assert it’s not shorted. It wasn’t. So I went ahead and replaced the fuse; then I carefully reconnected the VESC. Nothing bad happened at that point. However, when I pushed the start button it burst into flames. Fortunately the new fuse blew almost instantly and stopped the fire.

It seems weird to me that merely disconnecting the sensor cable would cause such a dramatic failure. This was with the BKB Xenith. Anyone experienced anything similar?

BTW, the input on the Xenith is shorted now.

After cleaning:


are you sure it was just the sensor wire though?

I’m not aware of any other potential problem. There’s clearly nothing wrong with the motors. I replaced the Xenith with another one. I replaced the blown fused, I left the sensor cables disconnected, and I’m running sensorless now. Other than that the setup is exactly the same as before. Everything is working normally so far.


Strange things going on…:face_with_monocle:
got two Trampa mkV and on one of them the same thing happend (sensor cable got plugged out) during a ride trough the forest. nothing really happens there beside the dissconected motor runs sensorless


It could be… there was a voltage peak at the dissconnecting who fired up the DLV (or what they are called) who causes a chain reaction and f#ckd up the ESC. :man_shrugging:t5:
Got one Flipshit ESC burnt last year over the receiver modul.

I will say that sometime in the last month, my temp and positive power sensor cable snapped off.

I can’t say with 100% certainty it happened while riding but I imagine it likely didn’t disconnect while sitting between rides.

Sorry about your loss and hope you didn’t crash. I wonder if it breaking the connection while looking for sensor data vs not using the sensors had any effect.


44$ for a single motor bracket is straight finessing

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Should be in best replies. Quote of the millennia.


where do you throw motors or batteries? i assume the trash is a no go

Batteries you can recycle at your local hardware store usually

Home depot or lowes here in america does it, same with Walmart I believe.

Why would you “throw away” a motor?

i got some funky ass rusty dusty ass scooter motors leftover from a project that just take up space and some 5xx motors that might or might not be dead but they act weird

Daily reminder to always wear a helmet :point_down:


fax man i need to order a new one soon


I managed to fit two 6384 motors on the 177mm SR TKP hanger but the ground clearance is not exactly what I would call abundant. :sweat_smile:

So I was thinking… how bad idea would it be to use two different motors? They have different kv but not too different. The bigger Reachertech 6384 is 170kv and the smaller Maytech 6355 is 190kv. Should I test if for science? :thinking:


You could do it like this xD