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Well not to take sides here, but the USA is very known for having many shootings, well beyond the mean.


They also really like to get aggressive when you point out negative points about the country


Hereā€™s a better site: Gun Deaths by Country 2022

Brazil had the lead in 2019 for total gun deaths (US claiming second) and the US didnā€™t even make top 10 of gun deaths per 100k. I like to think that most South American countries do have developed economies but when you pick and choose which countries to include, its easy to make stats say whatever you want. Also of note, how many countries on that list actually have firearms as legal to own, carry, and keep in residence for civilians? And yet US, with all its guns has 4 deaths per 100k vs 1?

Every death is a tragedy and the US needs to do something about gun control, but perpetuating a stereotype based off of media just seems like a form of ethnic bigotry. And hate is never good.


You have a very odd definition of aggressive. :kissing_heart:

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Youā€™re making lots of assumptions for someone in nuking distance. Donā€™t generalize most people with the most extreme.


Too many good movies are made in Canada and the majority I have met are pretty nice peeps. It is just a sad thing that bigotry like his continues to exist in this world

everyone is in nuking distance :joy: except maybe the south pole


Threatening nukes is pretty extreme, but on point for the cultureā€¦

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I wouldnā€™t count Brazil as a developed country imo. Too many problems. They got universal health care though, so in that regard they are even more developed than the US.

Most countries on my list are located in europe, so a list of more traditional developed countries without newcomers per se.

Are you arguing that this number should be higher? Because too many legal guns are certainly part of the problem.


Nope, that one too. :smiley: The moon could get difficult, but I think there were plans for that.

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Dang thatā€™s an unfriendly country. Who TF plans on destroying places that donā€™t even have people?

The US is basically the really angry violent fat kid in elementary school who squishes bugs and strangles cats because itā€™s fun


Iā€™m all for bashing governments, but youā€™re missing the point and arenā€™t adding much.


I donā€™t think itā€™s perpetuating any stereotypes to say that gun violence is out of control in the USā€¦ and 4 is a lot more than 1.


letā€™s not forget Elon also plan to nuke Mars, i got a tshirt to prove it


yea Elonā€™s bullshit plans are quite the meme. :smiley: Now we only need a few more comets for all the water.


I would honestly expect this number to be higher given the number of legal guns in the US, yes.

While I am a gun owner, I was trained in their proper use and storage (military) and I firmly believe that such training should be a minimum prerequisite to gun ownership. The current training requirements for a conceal carry are laughable and for general ownership are non existent. Which is why I think 4 is a remarkably low number.

I do, however take offense to a blatant stereotype about the people of a country (@tech.shit not you). No country, even Canada, can claim ethical superiority. They all have skeletons in their closet, the US just airs ours far more often. And even then, those skeletons come from the minority of the country, not the majority.


This, this is why people are adverse to visiting the states.


is that not the case? why would any logical person would agree to let untrained human handle any kind of firearms? literally make no sense, might as well just hand them the football already then?

football, aka the nuke suitcase if anyone doesnā€™t know that


Even in WA state, one of the most liberal states in the US, all I had to do for my CPL is pay a fee and give a fingerprint. Laughable.

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