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I can’t go back in time wtf are you on m8?

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mate, use your brain for once.

i replied to you before your “~1month ago” text was there.

Go open a new topic now and select the correct categories THEN make a screenshot.


I am using my brain, you’re the one being unclear.

and maybe don’t be so hasty on the keyb and let people finish their thoughts.

is spelled “keeb”

Thanks, I’m leaving again

sending a message after you’re done typing helps…

i think this is pretty clear.

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“the clear part of my messages were clear, but I won’t talk about the unclear parts”


and you wonder why others takes a piss on you.


of course I wonder about that, it’s basically bullying and very unkind.

what kind of person wouldn’t wonder about that?

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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
try looking in a mirror

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@xsynatic Now now, let’s all be friends here.

How am I being a douchebag or a cunt? Wtf? I’m the one feeling like I’m the victim here. Like… What? WTF?

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If only the internet had been invented when I was young enough to lie about my age.

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Wow… And you’re calling me the asshole? Go take a chill pill dude.

I still cant tell most websites my age as they’ll boot me out. I’ve gone through multiple Paypal accounts because once they get suspicious I cant prove anything to them :frowning:


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Am 17, dunno why you deleted that. Quite public about that as if I get a weird dm from someone I get the chance to publicly humiliate them.

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Give us the tea when a child predator slides into your DMs. (Not saying you’re a child you’re a fine man)


if only badmomentumboards was still here, i’d catch him in 4k :rofl:


They haven’t always been that strict. I’ve created mine when i was 16, never had a problem.