Problem with Slick Revolution/iWonder Cloud Wheels (SERIOUS)

clown wheels


This is going…

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Contact iWonder directly and just provide them with the aliexpress receipt. Faster response and ask for the new upgraded core. They ship UPS from china instead of the usual channels. A bit faster.

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Thanks, tried that a minute ago, now I’ll wait and see what happens :slight_smile:

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Hey Visnu. Long time no hear. We use to chat all the time in the electric skateboard builders L3-x threads. What are you riding these days?

Hey Paul,
meet Grünstern and Blutstern :wink: I’m in the process of building a board for our local DHL courier with the Landwheel hubs :smiley:

Is he gonna do deliveries with them? Are your L3-x batteries still working or are you substituting? You should join the Revel Kit thread.
We can chat there where everyone is happy. Instead of here where everyone is sad. :sob:

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lol, no thanks, I just use the hubs, nothing else. I’m used to at least 10s4p :smiley:

Shameless recruiting for your private sanctorium.


Yikes yikes yikes

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If people are comparing the core issues to a pandemic some people realllllllly need to unplug and get out of the house.

Oh wait that’s all of us


“Cloud Wheels Cracking Pandemic” just takes too long to say. I was thinking “Covid Wheels”


This thread:

Tens of thousands of people dying from covid19: meh
1 person fell off an esk8 due to broken wheel: oh hell no

Priorities: set


I think you lost the politically correct high ground with your attempt at child molsetation humor.


Besides, hating on the new guy that just joined the thread aint cool.

@pixelsilva is not the first in this thread to make pandemic comparisons. So why pull out the pitch forks.

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This one got five likes:

So maybe stop whinning.


Lol, like I give a crap about political correctness. Who’s the new guy that just joined the thread? you? I’m not hating on jxslepton. I’m not whining it’s just amusing how much you’re beating the dead horse over some cracked plastic…

All I’m saying is if ya got some cracked wheels then get replacement/refund otherwise ride it or don’t, don’t waste so much energy spreading propaganda lmao


@pixelsilva was the new guy. The first time he posted in this thread, you trolled him over his pandemic comparison. I guess you lose track of all the people you troll – including the fellow who crashed and was injured. You told him he forgot spacers and it was his own fault.

Interesting you could not care less about a fellow eskater who was injured …but you care so much if someone pokes fun at the company who’s product caused the injury.


You know what it is that bugs me, is the bandwagoning that happens. Against iWonder, I don’t care so much, but it reminds me so much of what happened to Psychotiller and other smaller vendors, where 100 people brings out pitchforks over 2 people’s problems and it screws over these smaller vendors who has not much capital and is doing the best they can… So every time I see a bunch of people, especially people who does not own or use the product screaming about faults, I think they should not yell louder than the person who fell.


Have you ever considered how many people may have new and cool ideas they want to bring to market, then they see people like you and think: wow, if my product has any flaws I didn’t think of, this is what happens and how I will get treated? Forget iWonder and Chinese factories and all that BS. Think of if, you, yourself was a small 1 person vendor and you get attacked like this. That’s the perspective I’m holding.

I don’t give two fucks about cloud wheels, but I see all these threads with people working by themselves to make a cool new thing and I hope it comes to market perfectly, but if there is any flaw, I’m going to be there to back them and give them a chance to make it right, and not join in the bandwagon of fuck you and your product.

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