Blutstern - Rocket longboard, 10s6p, 4WD 58KV China Direct Drive

I have to admit that I’m in love with it :blush: Torque is great, even with my quite conservative settings (45A motor/20A battery per motor) I can go up every incline I encountered on the track (see Metr log above). I’m even thinking about bigger, more grippy wheels for muddy terrain. I have no comparison to a “real” MTB with belt drive but I’m happy with it. I’m 88kg right now (working on it) so its not like the motors have nothing to do :smiley:
I got the insta360x from work during the Corona shelter so I’ll definitively make videos of both builds :wink:
btw, I’m thinking of an expansion pack again, want to be able to do the trip to work full throttle :smiley:


I noticed a crack in the bottom of my deck today. Need to investigate more… Didn’t look like it’d went thru every layer…

Will be pretty bummed if it did. I really didn’t want to have to fiberglass this deck…

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Oh shit, hope its not too bad :frowning: Mine is holding up great but I got rid of the original coating and used tons of epoxy to seal it after dyeing.

I ordered 30 Samsung 40T today :man_facepalming:
Going to build a expansion / extra battery with them, together with the internal battery its 30Ah or 1kWh :crazy_face:


You could test a mtb btw. :wink:

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Empty station


Is there any news you can tell us about the maker x esc?

They’re quite boring, they keep working, so lame :smiley:


Are you kidding?
You ride Two of them in 4wd, dood, so there must be nice torque imo.
What did i miss? Is 54kmp maximum speed or is there any space for more speed?
:joy: :joy: :joy:

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The board performs great, I thought you asked about the MakerX :smiley: Those are boring since they only need to do half the work because of 4WD :slight_smile:


Some videoclips, sorry but thats my first Insta360 video :slight_smile: and I was too lazy to cut the video properly. I had one shot but it didn’t work as planned and then my motivation was gone :slight_smile:
Watch on youtube for best quality (720p)

They are part of a bigger recording that I’m currently uploading as 360 footage for us VR heads :wink:


you use the go foc dual from maker x, right?
Sorry if that wasnt clear. These names lead to confusion every time hahahha.

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They’re changing names every month or so :slight_smile: These:

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die meinte ich auch hehehehe…yes just thought maker x is the brands name, or isnt it?
Very nice vids, bro. It seems like the path is just build for you alone :smiley:

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I met like 10 people on the whole 30km track :smiley:


And some wild pigs i bet hahahha or foxes…
looks similar to the woods in my area.
Those tiny paths are pretty scary in the dark bc they are really dark :upside_down_face:

actually in the first two clips there are deers crossing :wink:

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Really? I havent noticed them while watching but pretty cool though :smiley:

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3:25 :wink: Google is limiting bandwidth atm, its only a bunch of pixels crossing :smiley:

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Yeah the quality is not the best, but now ive seen them.
Love it.

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