At the moment I’m checking all cells I got from my first builds NESE modules and the ones in my battery expansion pack for the mov-e for capacity and internal resistance and then I’ll use to calculate the best variant for the 10s6p battery. I only use a Graupner Ultramat 18 charger for external balancing so I’m sure it works perfectly
I want the whole thing as stealth and waterproof/resistant as possible. At first I’ll only have the charge port (thanks @Angeljmm ;)) and the antispark plug hidden away somewhere around the baseplates.
The drives have different kV Values, the Landwheel around 90, Mellow around 120. My plan is that they’ll support each other with what they can do best, when torque is needed the Landwheels have the main part and on speed the mellows set in making it efficient (hopefully).
I just had an idea I have to write up (so why not here :D): I need to create different VESC Tool Profiles with 4WD (all motor amps to normal), 2WD frontdrive (front drive motor amps to normal, rear motor amps zero) and 2WD rear drive(accordingly :)) Brakes are always 4WD, although I have to try it out free roll behaviour is very good with both drive systems, mellow even better but both feel like normal unmotorized wheels when pushing.
12 cells to go, then I can shuffle them for equal capacities in each P-Group, glue them and spotweld Thanks to all of you battery builders I have a plan on how it will be really safe. First I’ll arrange them in the slightly bend deck, then I glue the P-groups together, Fishpaper rings to the positive terminals, Kapton tape between the neighbouring positive terminals, fishpaper stripes on top of the Kapton. Spotweld. fishpaper. shrinktube. Connect groups with 2x12awg, (or 2x10awg, whatever I’ll find), I’ll make nickel->wire->nickel pieces that get spotwelded on top of the group nickel with balance wires connected. TPU divider in between to make shorts nearly impossible. Route silicone balance wires to prevent overlaps.
I just modified one of the makerx with a metr pro, a canbus cable and optimized route for the power supply. This is gonna be the one close to the battery plus and minus so no additional caps needed. The one on the other side will have a 2200uf hq cap in parallel.
Battery half done, serial connections tomorrow
Edit: You might notice that the packs are not all straight, some are slightly bend to fit the slightly curved deck (I love when a plan comes together ;))
Of course I won’t do anything cosmetically here, only functional stuff (cable management. I had to modify a bit to use the Hammock baseplate, its slightly too big for being mounted drop-through.I’ll use low shockpads in hope for vibration reduction and I managed to get both the Paris and the Hammock baseplates to same height with a very low angle (30° I think) in the back
A red (:D) 16x9 LED Matrix for speed(number) and voltage (bar):
I’ll put tape on the inside to seal and then fill the hole with the matrix with Epoxy. After that I’ll sand it down together with the rest of the lid and cover it in a final epoxy coating with glass frit
Its working but only without direct sunlight, for that its not bright enough. I’ll try that nonetheless and might replace it with a slightly bigger e-Ink display in the future.
plus a QS-8 for the main power lines.
The new one is much bigger (more than double the size, looks like a electric car charger connector in small) but it is capable for 10A in the 12pin version. This battery is so huge I’ll never need the expansion pack, which was the reason for the big QS-8 on Grünstern, so I can use one connector for charging this time
The WF28 has a rubber cap but I’m planning to make a cap thats making use for the threads on the connector from the screw ring on the side (I’ll post pictures when I did that :))
Thanks for the link and explanation. I’ve been deep in the connector hole on a few occasions.
10s means 11 balance wires, use the first and last wires for the power lines? Leave the 12th pin free?
I guess one concern is, as amps go up the skinny wires have more voltage drop, so your rate of charge gets a little wonky, but it should level out as you get into the CV stage.
WF28 means 28mm diameter on the circular part, pretty big.
One more interesting spec is the number of mating cycles the connector is rated for. Sometimes with tiny pin connectors it’s as little as 15!
Yeah, mostly because I wanted to prevent an accident like @Andy87 had, swapping the Antispark with Charge Port A XT90 would have been sufficient for that but this way I could have pulled 120A that the combined two 12s3p batterys could theoretically deliver
A shielded silicone multistrand wire would be best but a quick search only gave my up to 5 cores. I’d always use silicone wire for balance cables though
5 cores
btw, this one will be really organized compared to the other builds I have to think about how to keep the batteries from moving this time