Aaaah it’s so nasty looking I love it!
Are you going with subpacks with XT150 on all of them? Gonna cost a ton of space!
I have plenty of space at the sides
Is that logo just stencil and spray paint?
No, its printed in pla wood filament The red one was dyed with the same dye as the deck.
ATM I’m thinking about the best way to mount my antispark loopkey, my original plan was a bit naive and won’t work
On dropthrus mine usually end up in the baseplate somewhere.
The deck looks awesome dude! The 150 connectors are huge tho! Why not regular bullet connectors?
Thanks I’m paranoid, those XT150 have male and female connectors that prevent accidentally wrong connections and contacts are always protected. My pack is capable of 90A continuous, 120A can be safely done, so I need a connector rated for that I’m not sure how its usually done with these but I have a male connector on plus and a female on minus I found a nice spot for the loopkey btw, more later
+1 xt150 really nice for safety. Very well insulated too.
I failed miserably to source some frit in smaller amounts so I bought lucid grip. The glue is already empty but there’s still lots of frit left
How much was it? I really hated to buy $10 worth of frits from amazon. Probably paid like 100 times what it costs. Wouldn’t have bothered me as much if they increased the quantity.