Blutstern - Rocket longboard, 10s6p, 4WD 58KV China Direct Drive

29aud for 1lb


Btw, I missed the point where it would have still made sense to tidy up during the build so I need to finish it to clean up now :joy:


That’s normal in my room. :joy:
And in my new workshop, until my work is done there, there will be no tidying up.


Lol, Das nenne ich aufgeräumt :blush: i will never post a picture of the whole mess :rofl:


Hahahah i know the feeling

Looking good dude, nearly there now!


Thats more like it :smiley: Yeah, almost at the finishing line. I’m currently connecting the MakerX ESCs, after that only balance wires and I’m ready to go for a test ride :slight_smile: When thats successful I’ll setup the LED Matrix for speed and battery :wink:

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The first ride will be sweet! I think my next purchase will be some makerx escs to put in my c3p0 evolve build to replace the flipsky that shit itself.

Looking forward to seeing it all up and running!

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I read that you have slight agressions against those :smiley: I never had any issues apart of the jumping voltage reading (btw, thats gone with the makerx ;))

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(Ich hatte auch keine Probleme mit Flipsky. Der Akku ist übrigens ausbalanciert, yay)
@glyphiks Here and there are problems with Flipsky, but never had any problems with my single fsesc, besides the voltage jumping. Strange.

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Haha slight is an understatement. Never again.


Ready for motor detection :sunglasses:


Mhhh, vesc tool does not want to do the new fancy stuff… Had to do motor detection in the old fashioned way

What do you mean by new fancy stuff?

The new automatic motor detection for everything on can bus

Ah okay. Did you press update all for updating the firmware first before doing the detection?

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Jap :slight_smile: Seems to be a problem with the old remotes receiver, now that I disconnected it it worked. But now I need a remote :smiley:
Or is there a maximum length of canbus cables?
edit: I just ordered another VX1, have to wait for that now since the receiver in the other board is deeply buried under hotglue :frowning: But in the meantime I can finish this up. Still need to solder the balance wires, build a cable for charging and bring that speedometer to life :slight_smile:

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Your build has made me want a rocketboard really bad, realise how amazing of a deal the makerx duel is, and hard :frowning: